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News & Noteworthy content from Navacelle

14 July 2024
Bastille Day Newsletter 2024
As they do every year on 14 July, Navacelle's lawyers offer you a selection of noticeable events which occurred in...
21 May 2024
European judicial cooperation & transfer of criminal proceedings between Member States
On 5 April 2023, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a regulation on the transfer of criminal proceedings between...
6 May 2024
Overview of the future European Anti-Money Laundering Authority
The new Authority for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism will be based in Frankfurt and shall start...
27 February 2024
New sustainability reporting obligations in France: what’s new?
Navacelle contributes to The Legal Industry Reviews' fifth edition about the transposition of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in...
Press review
25 July 2024
Press review – Week of 22 July 2024
This week’s press review looks at the international arrest warrant of the environmental activist Paul Watson, the police custody of...
Press review
19 July 2024
Press review – Week of 15 July 2024
This week’s press review looks at the European Commission’s complaint against the social network X (formerly Twitter) for misleading its...
14 July 2024
Overview of 2024: Environmental law & duty of vigilance
Overview of decisions and events relating to environmental law & duty of vigilance which have occurred in France over the...
14 July 2024
Overview of 2024: Regulatory matters & investigations
Panorama of decisions and events relating to regulatory matters & investigations which have occurred in France over the last twelve months.
14 July 2024
Overview of 2024: Ethics & compliance
Overview of decisions and events relating to ethics and compliance which have occurred in France over the last twelve months.
14 July 2024
Overview of 2024: White collar crime
Panorama of decisions and events relating to white collar crime which have occurred in France over the last twelve months.
14 July 2024
Overview of 2024: Arbitration
Panorama of decisions and events relating to arbitration which have occurred in France over the last twelve months.
Judicial public interest agreements (CJIP)
14 July 2024
CJIP Observatory : Key to understand French DPA
Since its creation by the Sapin II law of 9 December 2016, the Judicial Public Interest Agreement (“Convention Judiciaire d’Intérêt...
Focus on the French financial markets authority activity (AMF)
14 July 2024
Focus on the French financial markets authority activity (AMF)
2023 marked the 20th anniversary of the AMF. More than ever, the French regulator intends to support Paris as Europe’s...
14 July 2024
Focus on the French competition authority leniency program
In December 2023, the French Competition Authority published a procedural notice relating to its leniency program, providing clarifications and new...
14 July 2024
Bastille : The July Column
For 9 years, the Bastille Day Newsletter is symbolised by the July Column (Colonne de Juillet), located on the Place...
Press review
12 July 2024
Press review – Week of 8 July 2024
This week, the press review covers the confirmed conviction of a French sawmill for illegally importing exotic wood from Brazil,...
Press review
5 July 2024
Press review – Week of 1 July 2024
This week, the press review covers the acquittal of 28 people implicated in the Panama Papers scandal, Turkey’s withdrawal and...
Press review
28 June 2024
Press review – Week of 24 June 2024
This week, the press review covers the conviction of Jean-Paul Huchon for illegal taking of interests, the case of Jean-Christophe...
25 June 2024
Articulation of tax and criminal procedures: consequences of the corrective declaration on the obligation to...
In a ruling handed down on 23 May 2024, the Criminal Division of the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court),...
Press review
21 June 2024
Press review – Week of 17 June 2024
This week, the press review covers the admissibility of the actions against Total and EDF relating to breaches of the...
19 June 2024
Compliance and forensic investigations: optimising how companies, lawyers and forensic professionals work together
Grant Thornton France invited Stéphane de Navacelle to take part in a panel with Jean-Marie Pivard (Publicis Groupe), Jennifer Fiddian-Green...
2 min
19 June 2024
Discussion on harassment prevention and exposure
Invited by Colas Rail, Stéphane de Navacelle discussed with 100+ group top managers during their Management Committee 2024, on 19 June 2024.
2 min
Press review
14 June 2024
Press review – Week of 10 June 2024
This week, the press review covers three people being charged for fraud in the Hauts-de-Seine, the dismantling of an undeclared...
13 June 2024
Future prospects for International Anti-Corruption Court
A panel held during the 20th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference hosted at the OECD in Paris.
Press review
7 June 2024
Press review – Week of 3 June 2024
This week, the press review covers the trial of several Île-de-France’s elected officials including concealment of misappropriation of corporate assets...
5 June 2024
Update on Sanctions Litigation, Arbitration, and Enforcement – with EU, French and Swiss perspectives
A panel held on 5 June 2024 in Berlin, during the C5's European Forum on Global Economic Sanctions.
5 June 2024
Arbitration & the cohabitation of the ZLECAF and OHADA law
A webinar, in French, organised as part of the 3rd edition of the African International Arbitration Competition by the Arbitration...
3 June 2024
Internal investigations by lawyers: how to approach labor & criminal law issues?
An animated debate on benefits brought by investigating lawyers on criminal or labor law investigations, i.e. independence, secret protection, confidentiality...
1 min
Press review
31 May 2024
Press review – Week of 27 May 2024
This week, the press review covers the conviction of a French senator for illegal taking of interest, the adoption of...
29 May 2024
The challenge of regulating generative artificial intelligence
On February 14, the French National Assembly's Law Commission published a report on the challenges posed by generative artificial intelligence...
Press review
24 May 2024
Press review – Week of 20 May 2024
This week, the press review covers the fine imposed on bank company N26, the trial of EDF and its former...
Press review
17 May 2024
Press review – Week of 13 May 2024
This week, the press review covers the death of Renaud Van Ruymbeke, the conviction of former Mayor of Toulon for...
16 May 2024
Anticorruption initiatives in Latin America: Lessons from the last decade (webinar)
To contribute to the Latin America and Caribbean Weeks event, organised by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs...
14 May 2024
LIR 6th Edition : Focus on ADP INGENIERIE and SEVES Group/SEDIVER CJIPs
Navacelle contributes to The Legal Industry Reviews' sixth edition, focusing on the last two CJIPs (kind of French DPAs) concluded....
13 May 2024
Dassault Aviation – 1st Ethics Day
Dassault Aviation invited Stéphane de Navacelle to take part in its Ethics day, dedicated to anti-corruption programs and duty of...
Press review
3 May 2024
Press review – Week of 29 April 2024
This week's press review focuses on the indictments of Arnaud Lagardère for misuse of company assets and abuse of power,...
Press review
26 April 2024
Press review – Week of 22 April 2024
This week, the press review covers the European Parliament’s adoption of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, the definitive conviction...
25 April 2024
Webinar: Economic Sanctions Law – Similarities and Differences between the U.S. and French Approach
Roxane Castro has been invited by the Philadelphia Chapter of the French American Chamber of Commerce (FACC Philadelphia) and Buchanan...
22 April 2024
Focus on the CJIPs respectively concluded at the end 2023 by ADP Ingénierie and SEVES...
By approving the CJIPs signed between the National financial prosecutor’s office (procureur national financier - PNF) as well as ADP...
Press review
19 April 2024
Press review – Week of 15 April 2024
This week, the press review covers the publication of TRACFIN’s 2023 report on professionals’ suspicious transaction reports, the decision of...
16 April 2024
The AFA’s new practical guide to corporate sponsorship operations
On 26 March 2024, the French Anti-Corruption Agency (“AFA”) published its new practical guide to securing patronage and sponsorship operations.
16 April 2024
Overview of the “anti-gift” procedure applicable to actors operating in the health sector in the...
The “anti-gift” procedure provided by the French public health code prohibits actors operating in the health sector, except for some...
Press review
12 April 2024
Press review – Week of 8 April 2024
This week, the press review covers the Panama Papers trial which opened on Monday, 8 April, the decision rendered against...
Press review
5 April 2024
Press review – Week of 1 April 2024
This week, the press review covers the conviction by the American justice system of the crypto assets platform FTX‘s former...
1 April 2024
The Validity of Arbitral Awards and the Public Policy Nature of International Sanctions
This article by Stéphane de Navacelle, Julie Zorrilla and Gregory Arnoult, is part of the Transnational Dispute Management (TDM) Special...
Press review
29 March 2024
Press review – Week of 25 March 2024
This week, the press review covers the opening of proceedings against Google, Apple and Meta by the European Commission for...
Press review
22 March 2024
Press review – Week of 18 March 2024
This week, the press review covers the report of the French Court of Auditors on the financial situation of the...
Press review
15 March 2024
Press review – Week of 11 March 2024
This week’s press review covers the implementation by the AMF of two guidelines issued by the European Banking Authority, the...
11 March 2024
Webinar: The role of the investigating lawyer (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla discussed the role of the investigating lawyer during the Paris Bar's Entrepreneurial Bar training...
Press review
8 March 2024
Press review – Week of 4 March 2024
This week’s press review covers the conviction of Apple to a 1.8 billion euros fine by the European Commission for...
Press review
1 March 2024
Press review – Week of 26 February 2024
This week’s press review covers Washington's adoption of new sanctions against Russia, the involvement of a French municipal agent in...
26 February 2024
A flexible approach of the principle of loyalty regarding the evidence in civil matters –...
The decision of 22 December 2023 recognizes the admissibility of evidence obtained or produced in an illicit or unfair manner...
Press review
23 February 2024
Press review – Week of 19 February 2024
This week’s press review covers Donald Trump and his sons’ conviction for fraud in New York, the decision of Paris...
22 February 2024
New clarifications on the repression of tax fraud offences and tax fraud laundering by the...
On 13 December 2023, the Cour de cassation first ruled on the concept of non bis in idem, rejecting the...
21 February 2024
Paris Arbitration Week 2024 – Ethics & Arbitration panel
Navacelle is hosting a panel regarding Ethics & Arbitration on 19 March 2024, during the Paris Arbitration Week (PAW).
20 February 2024
A French dairy group suspected of tax fraud
Since 2018, Lactalis has been suspected of committing tax fraud and laundering the proceeds of such fraud via schemes involving...
Press review
16 February 2024
Press review – Week of 12 February 2024
This week’s press review looks back at the legacy of former French minister of Justice Robert Badinter who recently passed...
Press review
9 February 2024
Press review – Week of 5 February 2024
This week’s press review highlights the acquittal of former minister and mayor of Pau, François Bayrou, the accusation of a...
Press review
2 February 2024
Press review – Week of 29 January 2024
This week’s press review highlights the Transparency report on France's global position in the fight against corruption, Uber's fine in...
30 January 2024
The European Public Prosecutor’s Office and TRACFIN signed a working arrangement for closer cooperation
In accordance with the principle of sincere cooperation between Member States and with the European Union's institutions, provided for in...
Press review
26 January 2024
Press review – Week of 22 January 2024
This week’s press review highlights Amazon’s 32 million euro fine by a French administrative authority for the monitoring of its...
25 January 2024
Internal investigation and data collection
EFB Degree - Internal investigation Internal investigation and data collection: In many respects, data collection is crucial in conducting an internal...
Press review
19 January 2024
Press review – Week of 15 January 2024
This week, the press review covers the validation by the French Supreme Court of Lafarge’s indictment for complicity in crimes...
15 January 2024
Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations (2024) – GIR
NAVACELLE co-author of the eighth edition of Global Investigations Review’s Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations.
Press review
Press review- Week of 8 January 2024
12 January 2024
Press review – Week of 8 January 2024
This week, the press review looks back at the conclusion of three Deferred Prosecution Agreements by Marseille’s Public Prosecutor’s office,...
European Commission
10 January 2024
Digital Markets Act: Combating anti-competitive practices in the digital sector
On 6 September 2023, almost a year after the adoption of the Digital Markets Act, the European Commission published the...
Press review
22 December 2023
Press review – Week of 18 December 2023
This week's press review looks at the first hearings in Rabat in the “Qatarargate” corruption affair in the European Parliament,...
21 December 2023
Fine of €13.5 million against Sony for abuse of dominant position in the video games sector
A busy December for the French competition regulator (Autorité de la concurrence) as it just issued two heavy sanctions over...
21 December 2023
Fine of €91.6 million against Rolex for vertical agreement restricting competition in the distribution of...
A busy December for the French competition regulator (Autorité de la concurrence) as it just issued two heavy sanctions over...
21 December 2023
Transposition of the CSRD: new sustainability reporting obligations for French companies
France is the first Member State to transpose the CSRD or Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive with an order issued by...
20 December 2023
La Poste case: first decision on the substance of the duty of diligence
On 5 December 2023, after more than three years of proceedings, the Paris judicial court finally issued its decision in...
Press review
15 December 2023
Press review – Week of 11 December 2023
This week, the press review looks back at the new anti-corruption measures envisioned by the French government for 2024, the...
20231214 RC Partner
15 December 2023
Navacelle promotes Roxane Castro to Partner
Navacelle is delighted to announce that Roxane Castro has been promoted as Partner.
13 December 2023
Top 20 lawyers’ LinkedIn accounts to follow – La Lettre des juristes d’affaires
Stéphane de Navacelle selected among the top 20 lawyers’ LinkedIn accounts to follow by in-house specialized French magazine La lettre...
75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights conference
10 December 2023
75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The American Bar Association International Law Section and the Paris Bar organized on December 7th 2023, a 75th anniversary of...
Press review
8 December 2023
Press review – Week of 4 December 2023
This week, the press review looks back at the trial of Benyamin Netanyahu for corruption, breach of trust and fraud,...
The discreet ramping up of environmental criminal law
5 December 2023
The discreet ramping up of environmental criminal law
Navacelle contributes to The Legal Industry Reviews' fourth edition about recent gradual application of environmental criminal law in France, with...
Press review
1 December 2023
Press review – Week of 27 November 2023
This week’s press review looks back at the criminal proceedings against Olivier Dussopt, Minister of Labor, Eric Dupond-Moretti, Minister of...
Colloque CNB médiation, compliance & vigilance
30 November 2023
Mediation vs compliance and vigilance duties roundtable
Stéphane de Navacelle took part in a Compliance, vigilance and mediation seminar on Novembre 30, 2023.
Press review
24 November 2023
Press review – Week of 20 November 2023
This week, the press review looks back at the criminal proceedings opened against Senator Joël Guerriau, former Socialist Party First...
Formation EFB Navacelle - Session 3/10
23 November 2023
Defining the scope of the internal investigation: internal investigation sources and the investigation plan
EFB Degree - Internal investigation What criteria need to be considered when deciding whether to carry out an internal investigation? Should...
ABA International Law Section
21 November 2023
Practical tips when dealing with corruption allegations in arbitration
Navacelle contributes to the American Bar Association International Arbitration Committee's Quarterly Newsletter (Q3 2023).
Press review
Press review Navacelle
17 November 2023
Press review – Week of 13 November 2023
This week, the press review looks back at the criminal proceedings against Bashar Al-Assad, leader of Syria, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, former...
17 November 2023
Saga UBS: second reassessment of the UBS’s historic financial penalty
On November 15, 2023, as part of the UBS saga that began on 20 February 2019, the judges on the...
Revue Justice Actualités #28
13 November 2023
Internal Investigation and Negotiated Justice
Can internal investigation be used to negotiate the investigation phase with prosecuting authorities? An article, by Guillaume Daïeff, Stéphane de Navacelle...
Press review
10 November 2023
Press review – Week of 6 November 2023
This week, the press review looks back at the trials of the former deputy director of the Bordeaux Criminal Investigation...
GIR Guide to Sanctions - Navacelle 2023
8 November 2023
The Guide to Sanctions (2023) – GIR
Navacelle co-author of the fourth edition of the Global Investigation Review's Guide to Sanctions.
Press review
Press review - Week of 30 October 2023
3 November 2023
Press review – Week of 30 October 2023
This week, the Navacelle press review looks back at Altice's filing of a civil action in the criminal proceedings in...
Navacelle - IBA Paris 2023
2 November 2023
2023 IBA Annual Conference – Paris – Host Committe reception
As a member of the Host Committee, Navacelle co-hosted the Host Committee Reception for the International Bar Association (IBA) 2023...
Press review
27 October 2023
Press review – Week of 23 October 2023
This week, the press review looks back at the seizure of almost 60 million euros by French judicial authorities in...
23 October 2023
Heavy sanction imposed by the French Financial Market Authority (AMF) for market manipulation
In its decision of 7 September 2023, the Enforcement Committee of the “Autorité des marchés financiers” ("AMF") fined the French...
Press review
20 October 2023
Press review – Week of 16 October 2023
This week, the press review looks back at the ECHR's decision on the conviction of Total and Vitol on charges...
Cambridge Forum 2023 - Roma
19 October 2023
Corruption in International arbitration: Are allegations of corruption a way out of International arbitration claims?
Stéphane de Navacelle contributed to the Global Forum on Corporate Criminal Liability for Cambridge Forums on corruption allegations versus arbitral...
EFB Degree - Internal investigation
19 October 2023
Internal investigation : Relationship between the lawyer-investigator and his client
EFB Degree - Internal investigation How should attorney-client privilege be applied? What is the relationship with the client? What resources should...
Press review
13 October 2023
Press review – Week of 9 October 2023
This week, the Navacelle press review looks back at the appeal conviction of the mayor of Sète, as well as...
Press review
Press review
6 October 2023
Press review – Week of 2 October 2023
This week, the Navacelle press review looks back at the search of the home of the former mayor of Saint-Jory...
5 October 2023
Fillon saga: Final conviction of former prime minister in fictitious employment scandal confirmed
In response to an application for a priority preliminary ruling on the issue of constitutionality (“question prioritaire de constitutionnalité”), the...
3 October 2023
Procedural framework for automatic denunciations by French tax authorities
On September 13, 2023, the judges on the Quai de l'Horloge strictly applied article L.228 I of the French Tax...
30 September 2023
Danone brought to court for non-compliance with its duty of vigilance law: a mediation procedure...
On 9 January 2023, ClientEarth, Surfrider Foundation Europe, and Zero Waste France sued Danone before the Paris Judicial Court for...
Press review
Press review
29 September 2023
Press review – Week of 25 September 2023
This week, let's look back at the French Constitutional Council decision repealing an article of the French Criminal Procedure Code...
29 September 2023
Professional training course on internal investigations – École de Formation du Barreau
When and how should an internal investigation be carried out? In what context? What is your role as a lawyer?...
Press review
Press review
22 September 2023
Press review – Week of 18 September 2023
This week, the Navacelle press review looks back at the adoption of the eighth version of the European Administrative Cooperation...
18 September 2023
French Supreme Court (Court de Cassation) recognizes the universal jurisdiction of the French judicial courts...
In two rulings handed down on May 12, 2023, the French Supreme Court (Cour de Cassation) clarifies the conditions under...
Press review
press review
15 September 2023
Press review – Week of 11 September 2023
This week, the Navacelle press review looks back at the decision of a Brazilian Supreme Court judge to overturn the...
Press review
Press review
8 September 2023
Press review – Week of 4 September 2023
This week, the Navacelle press review discusses the guide published by the European Commission for EU operators on the best...
16 August 2023
France mulls privilege protections for in-house legal advice
French lawyers said the proposed legislation would give French companies greater protections from evidence-gathering requests sent by foreign regulators.
Judicial public interest agreements (CJIP)
14 July 2023
Focus on Judicial public interest agreements (CJIP)
Since its creation by the Sapin II law of 9 December 2016, the Judicial Public Interest Agreement (“Convention Judiciaire d’Intérêt...
Focus on the French financial markets authority activity (AMF)
14 July 2023
[Infography] Focus on the French financial markets authority activity (AMF)
The French Financial Markets Authority (“AMF”) intensive enforcement activity again demonstrates the regulator’s ambition to continuously strengthen market surveillance, through...
14 July 2023
[Infography] Focus on the French data protection authority activity (CNIL)
Over the past months, the French Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (“CNIL”), regulator of personal data, imposed tremendous...
14 July 2023
Overview of arbitration case law
French case law rendered this past year has notably addressed the enforcement regime against assets frozen because of international sanctions,...
14 July 2023
AFA and PNF publish a guide to anti-corruption internal investigations
On 14 March 2023, the French Anti-Corruption Agency (“AFA”) and the French National Financial Prosecutor's Office (“PNF”) jointly published a...
14 July 2023
PNF updates its guidelines for judicial public interest agreements
In January 2023, the National Financial Prosecutor published its new guidelines on judicial public interest agreements, which are intended to...
14 July 2023
The French Supreme Court confirms in its decision “La Chaufferie de La Défense” that the...
In a decision dated 9 November 2022, the criminal chamber of the French Supreme Court confirmed its case law on...
14 July 2023
Thales case: the French Supreme Court strengthens whistleblowers’ protection against employer’s retaliations
In this decision, the Cour de cassation ruled that the juge des référés must take all necessary measures to put...
14 July 2023
The Defender of Rights publishes its new guide regarding whistleblowers protection
On 30 March 2023, one year after the law of 21 March 2022 aimed at improving the protection of whistleblowers,...
14 July 2023
Airbus signs a second CJIP for corruption
Le PNF et laThe PNF and Airbus entered into a new CJIP on November 30, 2022 for acts of bribery...
14 July 2023
Clarification of the ne bis in idem principle under European Union law with regard to...
On 22 March 2023, the criminal division of the French Court of Cassation has issued a ruling by which it...
14 July 2023
AFA’s national diagnosis survey of anti-corruption systems in businesses
On 30 September 2022, the AFA published its second national diagnosis survey of anti-corruption systems in businesses. It shows a...
14 July 2023
Review of the French National Financial Prosecutor’s Office activity
The French National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (“Parquet National Financier”) published its annual report of its activities for 2022, in which...
14 July 2023
TotalEnergie and Suez Group’s decisions clarify the companies’ duty of care obligations and the...
The decisions rendered on 28 February 2023 and 1 June 2023 by the Paris Judicial Tribunal, which has exclusive jurisdiction...
Bastille day newsletter 2023
14 July 2023
Bastille Day Newsletter 2023
On this 14th of July, lawyers at Navacelle offer you, as it does every year, a selection of noticeable events...
Press review
press review
7 July 2023
Press review – Week of 2 July 2023
The press review highlights the 209 million euros fine imposed on TechnipFMC, for acts of corruption in Africa in exchange...
La 32e chambre correctionnelle du tribunal judiciaire de Paris se prononce pour la première fois en matière de délit de manipulation de marché
7 July 2023
The Paris Criminal Court issues its first decision on a market manipulation case
On 25 May 2023, the Paris Criminal Court (32nd Chamber) ruled for the first time on the offence of market...
Press review
Press review
30 June 2023
Press review – Week of 26 June 2023
This week's press review presents the decision by the Cour de cassation to initiate a review of the trial of...
Press review
Press review
23 June 2023
Press review – Week of 19 June 2023
This week's press review looks at the European Union's accession to the Istanbul Convention on combating domestic violence and violence...
La bataille d'Airbus
21 June 2023
The battle for Airbus
In 2023, the aeronautic giant was prosecuted by US, French and UK authorities for suspected corrupt payments.
Press review
press review
16 June 2023
Press review – Week of 12 June 2023
This week's press review covers a new proposed legislation that would allow law enforcement officers to activate at distance microphones...
Press review
Press review
9 June 2023
Press review – Week of 5 June 2023
This week's press review details the suspicions of favoritism hanging over Olivier Dussopt, Minister of Labor, Employment and Integration, and...
Press review
Press review
2 June 2023
Press review – Week of 29 May 2023
This week, the 32nd chamber of the Paris judicial court handed down its first conviction for price manipulation against Thierry...
Press review
press review
26 May 2023
Press review – Week of 22 May 2023
This week, the Parquet national financier (PNF - National Financial Prosecutor's Office) signed its 16th and 17th Convention Judiciaire d'Intérêt...
23 May 2023
The French Minister for Public Accounts announces a plan to fight tax fraud
During a senatorial debate, after the publication by the Finance Commission of a report on the fight against tax fraud,...
Press review
press reveiw
15 May 2023
Press review – Week of 15 May 2023
This week in the news, the ECHR validated the sharing of phone taps from the prosecutor to the antitrust authority...
Press review
press review
12 May 2023
Press review – Week of 8 May 2023
This week in the news, François Ruffin was dismissed by the ECHR, and a judicial investigation was opened for suspicions...
Press review
White Collar Crime Compliance Press review
5 May 2023
Press review – Week of 01 May 2023
This week in the news, the Paris prosecutor's office signed a DPA with a Spanish bank, and Anticor is investigating...
3 May 2023
The impact of international sanctions in international litigation and arbitration
International sanctions, which are political, diplomatic and public international law measures also impact commercial relationships. Navacelle summarizes their consequences on...
Press review
Press review
28 April 2023
Press review – Week of 24 April 2023
In this press review, the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) searched the premises of the Member of Parliament Pierre Morel-A-L’Huissier...
DPA ABA 2023
26 April 2023
Deferred Prosecution Agreements and how much do they shield from litigation and arbitration?
During the American Bar Association International Law Section 2023 conference, Stéphane de Navacelle will discuss Corporate criminal liability frameworks which...
Press review
Press review
21 April 2023
Press review – Week of 17 April 2023
In this week’s press review, on the international level, ecocide has been recognized by the European Parliament, the United States...
Guide to Corporate Internal Investigations
21 April 2023
Guide to Corporate Internal Investigations by the American Bar Association
Julie Zorrilla and Stéphane de Navacelle contribute to the International Guide to Corporate Internal Investigations by the American Bar Association....
Press review
Press review Navacelle
14 April 2023
Press review – Week of 10 April 2023
In this week's press review, Anticor accuses the former president of EDF of illegal interest taking, a Swiss banker pleads...
Press review
10 April 2023
Press review – Week of 3 April 2023
This week's press review focuses on the publication by the CNIL of the 2023 edition of its guide on the...
Formation investigation - CY Université
3 April 2023
The conduct of hearing in the context of an internal investigation
Highlight on the difficulties involved in conducting interviews with the Cergy Pontoise University Business Law and Ethics Master degree students.
Press review
Press review - Week of 27 March 2022
31 March 2023
Press review – Week of 27 March 2023
In this week's press review, Navacelle piggybacks on the raids of several banks in Paris and La Défense as part...
29 March 2023
Protected: Addressing Corruption Allegations in Arbitration Disputes – Colombia
This Q&A aims at providing a comprehensive understanding of how different countries handle allegations of corruption in the course of...
29 March 2023
Protected: Addressing Corruption Allegations in Arbitration Disputes – France
This Q&A aims at providing a comprehensive understanding of how different countries handle allegations of corruption in the course of...
29 March 2023
Arbitration between Alstom & ABL: the Versailles Court of Appeal confirms the exequatur on 14 March 2023
Following a lengthy legal battle between Alstom and ABL, the Versailles Court of Appeal approved the 30 March 2016,...
Arbitration & Corruption PAW Navacelle
29 March 2023
Will the recent French case law harm the position of Paris as preferred arbitral seat?
As part of the Paris Arbitration Week which occurred from 27 to 31 March 2023 (“PAW”), Navacelle held a panel discussion on 29 March 2023.
26 March 2023
Protected: Addressing Corruption Allegations in Arbitration Disputes – Cross-country insights [Project]
This guide aims at providing a comprehensive understanding of how different countries handle allegations of corruption in the course of...
Press review
Press review - Week of 20 March 2022
24 March 2023
Press review – Week of 20 March 2023
In this week’s press review, Navacelle looks at the arrest warrant issued by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court...
LIR - Second edition - Greenwashing
21 March 2023
Boosting the fight against greenwashing in France
In the recent years, French rulemakers, regulators and the judicial system have contributed to strengthen the fight against greenwashing.
Press review
Press review - Week of 13 March 2022
17 March 2023
Press review – Week of 13 March 2023
This week in the press review, first in criminal business law, Pakistani investor Arif Naqvi lost his appeal against extradition...
15 March 2023
US FinCEN issues new rule on beneficial ownership reporting under the Corporate Transparency Act
As of January 1, 2024, companies operating in the United States will be required to report information about their beneficial...
Press review
10 March 2023
Press review – Week of 6 March 2023
This week in the press review, HVI Cat Canyon Inc. has been ordered to pay more than 65 million dollars...
9 March 2023
Historical sanctions by the Financial Markets Authority
The Financial Markets Authority’s Enforcement Committee imposes record-breaking fines on a British asset management company and two of its executives...
Press review
Press review - Week of 27 February 2023
2 March 2023
Press review – Week of 27 February 2023
This week in the press review, the Minister of Public Accounts visited the United States to discuss improving tax cooperation....
Press review
Press review - Week of 20 February 2023
24 February 2023
Press review – Week of 20 February 2023
This week in the press review, Navacelle focuses on the cancelation of a record fine against Swiss laboratories for anti-competitive...
Press review
Press review - Week of 13 February 2023
17 February 2023
Press review – Week of 13 February 2023
This week in the press review, Shell executives were accused of endangering the company’s sustainability. German authorities raided companies suspected...
Press review
10 February 2023
Press review – Week of 6 February 2023
This week’s press review focuses on the Court of Cassation’s favorable decision for whistleblowers, the prosecution of Elon Musk for...
How to collect evidence and conduct interviews
6 February 2023
How to collect evidence and conduct interviews?
Learn about the different stages and aspects of an effective internal investigation that respects the legitimate interests of those involved:...
Press review
Press review - Week of 30 January 2023
3 February 2023
Press review – Week of 30 January 2023
This week's press review focuses on the conviction of Urgo Laboratories, the placement in police custody of the President of...
Le monde du droit - Roxane Castro
2 February 2023
Le monde du droit announces the arrival of Roxane Castro as Counsel
Navacelle strengthens its regulatory litigation practice with the arrival of Roxane Castro
2 February 2023
ICC Mexico – Sapin II and France’s efforts to tackle corruption
Stéphane de Navacelle was invited by the ICC of México to talk about the Sapin II law and France's efforts...
CERAS - Violence, symptom or system
30 January 2023
“Violence, symptom or system? Naming, confronting, overcoming”.
Discover Stéphane de Navacelle's testimony during the annual session of the Ceras - Centre de Recherches et d'Actions Sociales.
Press review
Press review - Week of 23 january 2023
27 January 2023
Press review – Week of 23 January 2023
In this week’s press review, you will find two cases which were dismissed, one concerning the defective management of the...
Roxane Castro
26 January 2023
Navacelle strengthens its regulatory litigation practice with the arrival of Roxane Castro
With an international culture and a multidisciplinary team led by Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla, Navacelle continues to develop...
25 January 2023
Overview of the AFA’s survey regarding French companies’ anti-corruption systems
On 30 September 2022, the French Anti-Corruption Agency published the results of its second survey of French companies’ anti-corruption systems....
24 January 2023
Sanctioning obstructions to AMF investigations: Update from the Constitutional Court in its decision of 28 January 2022
On 28 January 2022, the Constitutional Court ruled that Article L. 621-15, II, f of the Monetary and Financial Code...
The Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations - 7th Edition
21 January 2023
Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations (2023) – GIR
NAVACELLE co-author of the seventh edition of Global Investigations Review’s Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations.
Press review
Week of 16 January 2023
20 January 2023
Press review – Week of 16 January 2023
This week press review includes the latest news on criminal law, business criminal law and criminal procedure. Thus, this review...
Press review
Press review - Week of 9 january 2023
13 January 2023
Press review – Week of 9 January 2023
This week in the press review, a dismissal of the Chlordecone case in the French West Indies and a $17.2...
The fundamental rights of the company - AIJA
12 January 2023
[Roundtable] The fundamental rights of the company
Stéphane de Navacelle participated in the French-speaking conference on fundamental rights in business organised by AIJA on Friday 13 January 2023.
Press review
Week of 2 January 2023
6 January 2023
Press review – Week of 2 January 2023
This week in the press review, two Members of the European Parliament have been subjected to immunity waiver proceedings in...
Press review
Press review - Week of 26 december 2022
30 December 2022
Press review – Week of 26 December 2022
In this week's news, there are several important events in criminal law. First, the criminal Charles Sobhraj, otherwise known as...
Press review
Press review - Week of 19 december 2022
23 December 2022
Press review – Week of 19 December 2022
This week's press review presents the outcome of an investigation by the Paris Bar Council against several lawyers for ethical...
Press review
Press review - Week of 12 december 2022
16 December 2022
Press review – Week of 12 December 2022
In this press review, from a judicial point of view, there are several important events: The Court de Cassation ruled...
LIR - France edition
13 December 2022
France and the duty of vigilance, picture of a battlefield
Julie Zorrilla and Roxane Castro contribute to the first Legal Industry Reviews - France edition.
Press review
Week 5 December 2022
9 December 2022
Press review – Week of 5 December 2022
In this press review, you will have the opportunity to discover two court decisions. The first one, is issued by...
6 December 2022
Launch of the international guide to corporate internal invgestigations
NAVACELLE co-hosted the launch of the ABA guide in Dubai along with Al Tamimi & Company, Bär & Karrer and...
Press review
2 December 2022
Press review – Week of 28 November 2022
In this press review, you will discover several important judicial events: the French Supreme Court clarified the status of victim...
Press review
Week of 21 November 2022
25 November 2022
Press review – Week of 21 November 2022
In this press review, you will discover the opening of a preliminary investigation by the French National Financial Prosecutor’s Office...
Ifaci demain en main - vignette
24 November 2022
Roundtable – Allegations – Investigations : The edges of tomorrow
Stéphane de Navacelle participated in IFACI's annual conference: "Demain en mains" on the theme "Allegations - Investigations : The edges...
23 November 2022
The CJEU limits generalized data retention in surveillance
On 20 September 2022, the Court of Justice of the European Union issued two rulings concerning the conditions under which...
21 November 2022
Judicial Agreement of Public Interest for aggravated tax fraud laundering and illegal canvassing
Credit Suisse escapes prosecution and agrees to pay a public interest fine of 123,000,000 euros under the 13th deferred prosecution...
Press review
Week of 14 November 2022
18 November 2022
Press review – Week of 14 November 2022
In this press review, you will find three significant events: the first conviction in France of a former Liberian rebel...
Autorité de la concurrence - Google
18 November 2022
Recent sanctions against Google by the French Competition Authority: ad servers and related rights
In 2021, the French Competition Authority imposed several fines on Google for anti-competitive practices related, on the one hand, to...
17 November 2022
Identification of the contractual actors of Compliance
Julie Zorrilla participated in the Colloque "Contract and compliance: the actors and their strategies" at the University of Nîmes.
17 November 2022
The cumulation of criminal and administrative sanctions in tax fraud
The judges of the Court of Cassation recently ruled on the cumulation of criminal and fiscal sanctions in tax fraud...
16 November 2022
Cambridge Forum: Mutual legal assistance has gone rogue!
Why bother with MLATs when local law is global and prosecutors trade information on WhatsApp ?
Press review
Week of 7 November 2022
14 November 2022
Press review – Week of 7 November 2022
In this press review, you will find clarifications from the Court of Cassation on the legality of an extradition of...
9 November 2022
Webinar: A comparative approach to professional secrecy and attorney-client privilege in criminal proceedings
Stéphane de Navacelle spoke at the Mondaq and Monfrini Bitton Klein webinar on "professional secrecy and attorney-client privilege in criminal...
7 November 2022
The implementation of the cumulation of criminal and administrative penalties for tax infringements
While the principle of cumulating criminal and administrative penalties for tax infringement is well entrenched, its implementation is subject to...
Press review
Week of 31 October 2022
4 November 2022
Press review – Week of 31 October 2022
In this press review, you will find details on the new methods adopted by the French national anti-terrorist prosecutor's office...
Press review
Week of 24 October 2022
28 October 2022
Press review – Week of 24 October 2022
In this press review, there are several important events on the judicial level. Indeed, a judicial public interest agreement...
28 October 2022
Panel – Human rights and criminal prosecution in an ESG world
Stéphane de Navacelle participated as moderator at the IBA Annual Conference in Miami on Human rights and criminal prosecution in...
26 October 2022
The CNIL and recent cases on personal data protection
The French data protection authority, the CNIL, has recently imposed important sanctions against Google, Facebook and Amazon for violations of...
25 October 2022
AFA’s national diagnosis survey of anti-corruption systems in businesses
On 30 September 2022, the AFA published its second national diagnosis survey of anti-corruption systems in businesses. It shows a...
Press review
Week of 17 October 2022
21 October 2022
Press review – Week of 17 October 2022
In this press review you will find two significant events: (1) Lafarge pleads guilty in the United States for providing...
21 October 2022
Addressing corruption allegations in international commercial arbitration and investment arbitration
Neither investment arbitration or international commercial arbitration are isolated from the phenomenon of corruption as a repeated but globally sanctioned...
18 October 2022
The U.S. Department of Justice announces new guidelines in the fight against corporate crime
Changes announced by the U.S. Department of Justice ("DoJ") in the fight against corporate crime.
Press review
Week of 10 October 2022
14 October 2022
Press review – Week of 10 October 2022
In this press review, you will find two important judicial events: An environmental CJIP has been concluded between Nestlé France...
Délégation des Barreaux de France
13 October 2022
Formation – Companies and Human Rights: European Perspectives
Stéphane de Navacelle participated in the seminar on companies and human rights organised by the Délégation des Barreaux de France. ...
12 October 2022
Discussions on secrecy in law enforcement proceedings and on anti-money laundering and terrorist financing regulation
On October 5th, 2022, the annual conference of the AMF Enforcement Committee was held. During this event, members of regulatory...
11 October 2022
Internal investigation and the employer’s safety obligation
The Social Chamber of the Cour de cassation rendered a recent decision regarding an internal investigation conducted in the workplace...
Press review
Week of 3 October 2022
7 October 2022
Press review – Week of 3 October 2022
In this press review you will discover two court decisions. The first one was rendered by the Court of Cassation...
6 October 2022
Jurisdiction and powers of international arbitral tribunals when dealing with allegations of corruption
Stéphane de Navacelle and Juliette Musso discuss the issues of jurisdiction and powers of international arbitrators when faced with allegations...
Press review
Press review - Week of 26 September 2022
30 September 2022
Press review – Week of 26 September 2022
In this press review, you will find an analysis of a recent decision of the French Cour de cassation which...
Press review
Press review - Week of 19 September 2022
23 September 2022
Press review – Week of 19 September 2022
In this week's press review, you will discover the criminal initiatives at the European Union level announced by the President...
Press review
Press review - Week of 12 September 2022
16 September 2022
Press review – Week of 12 September 2022
In this week's press review, you will find three articles on white collar crime. Firstly, clarifications related to the cumulation...
Press review
Press review - Week of 5 September 2022
9 September 2022
Press review – Week of 5 September 2022
In this press review you will find two cases regarding the criminal prosecution of foreign nationals. First, the review addresses...
How to successfully conduct an investigation
8 September 2022
Webinar: How to successfully conduct an investigation?
Stéphane de Navacelle spoke at the EQS webinar on "Internal investigation in companies: our advice for successfully conduct an investigation!"...
International Criminal Law, International Courts, and Judicial Affairs - ABA
5 September 2022
International Legal Developments 2021 in Review – American Bar Association
Navacelle co-author of the 2021 annual review of international legal developments of the American Bar Association International Law Section (ABA).
Press review
Press review - Week of 29 August 2022
2 September 2022
Press review – Week of 29 August 2022
In this press review you will find the implications for France following the delay of transposition of the European directive...
30 August 2022
Strengthening the effectiveness of the French “Blocking Statute”
Highlight on the 18 February 2022 decree and the 7 March 2022 order, which strengthen the competence of the Strategic...
Press review
Press review - Week of 25 july 2022
29 July 2022
Press review – Week of 25 July 2022
In this review, you will discover two CNIL’s recent decisions, the first one aiming at protecting data rental cars’ users...
Press review
Press review - Week of 18 July 2022
22 July 2022
Press review – Week of 18 July 2022
In this review you will discover a Dalloz study on the growing control of the European Courts on arbitration matters,...
reforms suggested by compliance professionals
21 July 2022
Vigilance: reforms suggested by compliance professionals
Simplification of the legal framework, exemption from criminal liability, better coordination of litigation, a future authority responsible for the duty...
Press review
Press review - Week of 11 july 2022
15 July 2022
Press review – Week of 11 July 2022
In this press review you will find a decision of the French Cour de cassation which clarifies the interpretation of...
Transposition of the European Whistleblowers Directive: Towards a reinforcement of the French protection system
14 July 2022
Transposition of the European Whistleblowers Directive: Towards a reinforcement of the French protection system
The text of the law aimed at improving the protection of whistleblowers, drafted by the Joint Committee, was approved by...
The challenges of environmental criminal law in the light of the deferred prosecution agreement in environmental matters
14 July 2022
The challenges of environmental criminal law in the light of the deferred prosecution agreement in...
A new deferred prosecution agreement in environmental matters is an opportunity to review the creation of this new mechanism serving...
The right to silence during investigations by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers
14 July 2022
The right to silence during investigations by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers
The right to silence is a constitutional principle in criminal proceedings. However, it turns out that this principle can be...
BDN 2022
14 July 2022
Bastille Day Newsletter 2022
On this 14th of July, lawyers at Navacelle offer you, as it does every year, a selection of noticeable events...
Homologation of a CRPC in the absence of a misuse of powers by the judge
14 July 2022
Homologation of a guilty-plea procedure: no appeal is possible against a decision of denied in...
The criminal division of the Court of Cassation has stated that a judge’s refusal to approve a second sentence proposed...
The criminal division of the Court of cassation opens the way to an in concreto assessment of documents
14 July 2022
Attorney-client privilege: an in concreto assessment of documents, allowing to benefit from the protection of...
In a significant decision dated 26 January 2022, the Criminal Division of the Court of Cassation reviewed the principles of...
AFA and PNF Practical Guide on the internal anti-corruption investigation
14 July 2022
AFA and PNF Practical Guide on the internal anti-corruption investigation
The internal investigation, as a modulator in the detection of corruption or influence peddling, represents a fundamental tool for the...
transfer of criminal liability following a merger or acquisition
14 July 2022
Transfer of criminal liability following a merger or acquisition
In a ruling of April 13, 2022, the Court clarified the nature of the control that must be performed by...
Lobbying : Declaration obligations of interest representatives in France
14 July 2022
Lobbying: Declaration obligations of interest representatives in France
Highlight on the disclosure obligations imposed on interest representatives in France, as provided for by Law 2013-907 of October 11,...
Assessment of the first months of activity of the European Public Prosecutor's Office
14 July 2022
Assessment of the first months of activity of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office
The first activity report of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office for 2021 presents its promising beginnings and emphasizes on its...
The Autorité de la concurrence publishes an update of its framework document on competition compliance programs
14 July 2022
The Autorité de la concurrence publishes an update of its framework document on competition compliance...
The Autorité de la concurrence published his new framework document for the implementation of competition compliance programs. This communication reminds...
The Guide to Sanctions -GIR (2022)
10 July 2022
The Guide to Sanctions (2022) – GIR
Navacelle co-author of the third edition of the Global Investigation Review's Guide to Sanctions.
Press review
Press review - Week of 4 july 2022
8 July 2022
Press review – Week of 4 July 2022
In this press review, you will find two decisions of the French Court de cassation regarding criminal procedure with regards...
Press review
Presse review - Week of 27 June 2022
1 July 2022
Press review – Week of 27 June 2022
In the press review you will discover the clarifications given by the Criminal Chamber of the French Court de cassation...
Press review
Press review - Week of 20 June 2022
24 June 2022
Press review – Week of 20 June 2022
In the press review you will discover the new article of the French criminal code harmonizing the repression of “prise...
Guidance on Internal Anti-Bribery and Corruption Investigations
22 June 2022
Guidance on internal anti-bribery and corruption investigations
Highlight of the first-ever guidelines issued by the French authorities on internal anti-corruption investigations by Ropes & Gray LLP and...
French duty of care
21 June 2022
The French duty of care in the context of its Europe-wide application
On February 23, the European Commission unveiled its proposal for a Directive on the Duty of Vigilance, which aims to...
The round tables of the Entrepreneurial Bar Ethics Compliance
20 June 2022
The round tables of the Entrepreneurial Bar
Discussions on Ethics and Compliance at the Entrepreneurial Bar organized by the Paris Bar.
Press review
Press review - Week of 13 June 2022
17 June 2022
Press review – Week of 13 June 2022
In the press review you will discover the evaluation report of the French anti-money laundering system carried out by the...
Press review
Press review - Week of 6 June 2022
10 June 2022
Press review – Week of 6 June 2022
In the press review of June 06 to 10, 2022, you will discover recent case law in the field of...
Press review
Press review - Week of 30 May 2022
3 June 2022
Press review – Week of 30 May 2022
In the press review you will discover recent jurisprudence in criminal procedure with clarifications on the scope of the professional...
Press review
27 May 2022
Press review – Week of 23 May 2022
In this press review you will find the latest criminal justice news, including an AMF activity report, a cooperation protocol...
27 May 2022
Criminal Justice Section Global Paris White Collar Crime Institute
The Criminal Justice Section Global Paris White Collar Crime Institute of the American Bar Association is back and for the...
Press review
Press review - week of 16 May 2022
20 May 2022
Press review – Week of 16 May 2022
In the press review, you will find the latest news in criminal procedure and criminal law, including a decision on...
16 May 2022
3rd edition of Judge-lawyer-legal counsel training session (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle participated under the auspices of the ENM – Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, l’AFJE – Association Française...
Press review
Press review - week of 9 May 2022
13 May 2022
Press review – Week of 9 May 2022
This week's Navacelle press review includes the latest news on criminal law, business criminal law and criminal procedure. Thus, this...
Webathon 2022
10 May 2022
Lawyers around the world – Webathon on the Rule of Law 2022
Stéphane de Navacelle participated to the second edition of the Rule of Law Webathon.
Press review
Press review - week of 2 May 2022
6 May 2022
Press review – Week of 2 May 2022
This week's Navacelle press review includes the latest news on criminal business law, criminal procedure, and international criminal law. The...
Press review
Press review - Week of 25 April 2022
29 April 2022
Press review – Week of 25 April 2022
In this press review, you will find articles presenting the latest developments in criminal procedure, such as the liability of...
25 April 2022
A global trend: The introduction of Deferred Prosecution Agreement regimes across the World
Stéphane de Navacelle spoke at the International Law Section Annual Conference hosted by the American Bar Association.
Press review
Press review - Week of 18 April 2022.
22 April 2022
Press review – Week of 18 April 2022
In this press review, you will find articles on recent developments in criminal business law and criminal procedure, in particular...
Corporate criminal liability under french law - a decade of dramatic change
19 April 2022
Corporate criminal liability under French law, a decade of dramatic change
Introduction of the french law in the journal of Japanese Institute of International Business Law about corporate criminal liability in...
Press review
Press review - Week of 11 April 2022
15 April 2022
Press review – Week of 11 April 2022
In this press review, you will find articles relating to the new jurisprudential trends which tends to stop prosecutions in...
L’après Sapin II : de simples ajustements pratiques ou une vraie révolution
11 April 2022
The post-Sapin 2 law: merely modifications or a real revolution?
The law of 9 December 2016, known as the Sapin 2 law, opened a new era in the fight against...
Press review
Press review - Week of 4 April 2022
8 April 2022
Press review – Week of 4 April 2022
In this press review, you will find articles on the lessons learned from the laws of 21 March 2022 on...
Press review
Press review - Week of 28 march 2022
1 April 2022
Press review – Week of 28 march 2022
In this press publication, you will find articles explaining the key concept of misappropriation of public funds; details of search...
Press review
Press review - week of 21 march 2022
25 March 2022
Press review – Week of 21 march 2022
In this press review, the second environmental CJIP concluded since its adoption, clarification from the Court of Justice on the...
The conduct of hearing in the context of an internal investigation
24 March 2022
The conduct of hearing in the context of an internal investigation
Julie Zorrilla and Stéphane de Navacelle shared about the difficulties involved in conducting interviews with the Cergy Pontoise University Business...
When arbitration and compliance meet up analysis of their first interplay
23 March 2022
When arbitration and compliance meet up: analysis of their first interplay
The interaction between arbitration and compliance deserves to be examined. Indeed, more and more questions are being asked as to...
Press review
Press review - week of 14 march 2022
18 March 2022
Press review – Week of 14 march 2022
The press review covers all the latest court rulings and new regulations on different branches of law, as well as...
Framework document of 11 October 2021 on competition compliance programmes
14 March 2022
The French Competition Authority : new draft guide on compliance programs
On 11 October 2021, almost ten years after its first publication [1], the French Competition Authority has published, for consultation,...
Press review
Press review - week of 7 march 2022
14 March 2022
Press review – Week of 7 march 2022
This press review highlights the various news items related to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and also looks at compliance issues in...
Extraterritoriality and white collar crime
10 March 2022
Extraterritoriality and white collar crime
Stéphane de Navacelle was invited to the IHEDN Defense and Economic Security session to talk about new threats and...
Press review
Press review - week of 28 february 2022
4 March 2022
Press review – Week of 28 February 2022
This press review looks back at the various scandals, investigations, and legal debates of the last few days, including a...
ABA - 37th annual National institute on White collar crime
28 February 2022
International white collar crime during the last decade and what the future holds
Stéphane de Navacelle spoke at the 37th National Institute on White Collar Crime hosted by the American Bar Association and...
Press review
Weekly press review - Semaine du 21.02.2022
25 February 2022
Press review – Week of 21 February 2022
This press review covers the latest court rulings and new regulations on different branches of law, as well as events...
Interpol, What has it achieved and what does its future look like from a human rights' perspective?
21 February 2022
What has interpol achieved and what does its future look like from a human rights...
Julie Zorrilla spoke on Interpol for the AIJA Human Rights Committee and the Commercial Fraud Commission.
Press review
Weekly press review - Semaine du 14.02.2022
18 February 2022
Press review – Week of 14 February 2022
The press review covers all the latest court rulings and new regulations on different branches of law, as well as...
15 February 2022
Anti-corruption and international risk perspectives from recent developments in France
Focus on the current anti-corruption landscape in France, whose historical reputation for less aggressive enforcement has recently given way to...
Is the investigating lawyer just another lawyer
14 February 2022
Training session : The role of the investigating lawyer
Stéphane de Navacelle spoke on the role of the investigating lawyer for Paris Bar as part of the Entrepreneurial Bar...
Press review
Weekly press review - Semaine du 07.02.2022
11 February 2022
Press review – Week of 07 February 2022
The press review covers all the latest court rulings and new regulations on different branches of law, as well as...
Press review
Weekly press review - Semaine du 31.01.2022
4 February 2022
Press review – Week of 31 January 2022
This press review covers the fundamentals of confidentiality, freedom of expression and professional secrecy through current issues such as Orpea's...
28 January 2022
Health Care Compliance Check-up : France
Key regulatory and compliance considerations in France, especially about risks in compliance for health care and life sciences companies.
The Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations - 6th edition
26 January 2022
Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations (2022) – GIR
NAVACELLE co-author of the sixth edition of the Global Investigations Review’s Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations.
CNIL Facebook Google
25 January 2022
CNIL imposes the largest sanctions in its history on Facebook and Google
CNIL issued the largest fines in its history against Facebook and Google for infringements of the existing regulations on cookies.
Impacts of the attorney-client privilege reform on white-collar practice (1)
21 January 2022
Impacts of the attorney-client privilege reform on white-collar practice
On 22 December 2021, Law n° 2021-1729 for confidence in the judicial institution was enacted. Following the initiative of the...
Corporate criminal & compliance liability in France
20 January 2022
Corporate criminal & compliance liability in France
Stéphane de Navacelle and Pierre Calderan discuss about corporate criminal & compliance liability in France over a decade of dramatic...
17 January 2022
IBA statement in defense of the principle of lawyer-client confidentiality
Stéphane de Navacelle contributes to the International Bar Association statement in defense of the principle of lawyer-client confidentiality.
CumEx files
13 January 2022
CumEx files, from tax optimization to tax fraud?
A look back at the revelations of the "CumEx files" and key take aways on these practices of tax optimization...
The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) is off to an active and promising start
11 January 2022
The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) is off to an active and promising start
An analysis of the beginnings of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and review of its investigations and first successes, including...
LVMH concludes a CJIP
31 December 2021
LVMH concludes a CJIP and escapes prosecution in the “Squarcini case”
Highlight on the CJIP signed on December 17th, 2021 by LVMH. The French company was involved in acts of influence...
AFA's anti-corruption guide for small and medium-sized companies
30 December 2021
AFA’s anti-corruption guide for small and medium-sized companies
On 16th of December 2021, AFA has published the final version of its guide on anti-corruption measures for small and...
AFA submits a draft practical guide on anti-corruption accounting controls
29 December 2021
AFA submits a draft practical guide on anti-corruption accounting controls
On 26 November 2021, the AFA published for public consultation its draft practical guide on anti-corruption accounting controls in companies.
28 December 2021
OECD Convention on Combating Bribery in France Phase 4
On 9 December 2021, the OECD adopted its Phase 4 report on France’s implementation of the Convention and the 2009...
21 December 2021
Extraterritoriality of law : What are the challenges ? (in French)
In recent years, in a context of globalisation, the extraterritoriality of law has taken on a new economic and geopolitical...
16 December 2021
Corruption: The White House strategy
On December 6th, the Biden-Harris administration unveiled its strategy to counter corruption, established as a core United States national security...
Illegal banking solicitation and laundering of aggravated tax fraud new step in the UBS file
15 December 2021
Illegal banking solicitation and laundering of aggravated tax fraud: new step in the UBS file
The long-awaited judgment in the UBS case was delivered by the Paris Court of Appeal. The historic penalty of €...
14 December 2021
Arbitration and Corruption : What type of control do judges have over arbitration awards ?
On 29 September 2021, the French Supreme Court (Cour de cassation) overturned the famous Alstom decision of the Paris Court...
Paris Legal Makers 2021
13 December 2021
Nothing will stop the (Paris) Legal Makers !
On Monday 6 December, nearly 1,000 French, European and international legal decision-makers gathered at the Palais Brongniart in Paris to...
9 December 2021
ICC Mexico – Sapin II and France’s efforts to tackle corruption
Julie Zorrilla and Stéphane de Navacelle were invited by the ICC of México to talk about the Sapin II law...
3 December 2021
What is the Paris Legal Makers ? (In French)
Interview of Stéphane de Navacelle conducted by Aude Dorange for the newspaper Village de la Justice.
CJIP concluded between JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association and the Financial Public Prosecutor
1 December 2021
CJIP concluded between JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association and the Financial Public Prosecutor
A new example of the use of negotiated justice in criminal tax law in France. On 26 August 2021, a fourth...
29 November 2021
The French Anti-corruption Agency’s practical guide to preventing conflicts of interests
On 18 November 2021, the French Anti-Corruption Agency (“AFA” or “the Agency”) published its definitive guidelines to preventing conflicts of...
29 November 2021
Three questions on Paris Legal Makers (In French)
Three questions to Stéphane de Navacelle, delegate of the President of the Paris Bar for the influence through law, on...
29 November 2021
How did the idea of the Paris Legal Makers come up ? (In French)
Interview of Stéphane de Navacelle conducted by Anne Portmann for the newspaper Droit & Patrimoine.
17 November 2021
“Law is a strategic tool for economic recovery” (In French)
Interview of Stéphane de Navacelle conducted by Sahra Saoudi for the newspaper Option Droit & Affaires.
17 November 2021
Ericsson’s violation of the terms of its Deferred Prosecution Agreement concluded with the Department of...
On 22 October 2021, Ericsson indicated that it received correspondence from the US Department of Justice (DoJ) accusing the group,...
16 November 2021
“With Paris Legal Makers, the Paris Bar Association wants to create a global legal forum”...
Interview of Stéphane de Navacelle conducted by Miren Lartigue for the newspaper Gazette du Palais.
GIR 100 Navacelle
10 November 2021
Navacelle identified in GIR 100 2021
Navacelle identified as the French independent leading crossborder investigations practice by Global Investigations Review (GIR).
Paris Legal Makers Affiches parisiennes Navacelle
8 November 2021
Paris Legal Makers : the law, as a lever for economic growth, ecological transition, digital...
Interview of Stéphane de Navacelle conducted by Boris Stoykov for the newspaper Affiches parisiennes.
U.S. announces tougher approach of the Department of Justice in the fight against economic crime
4 November 2021
U.S. announces tougher approach of the Department of Justice in the fight against economic crime...
Navacelle team highlights the review of the U.S. Department of Justice's (“DoJ”) policies in the fight against economic crime.
4 November 2021
Reasons to ask a lawyer to conduct an internal investigation
Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla answer Journal du Village de la Justice on the value of hiring a lawyer...
The development of internal investigations and compliance under US influence
28 October 2021
The development of internal investigations and compliance under US influence (In french)
Julie Zorrilla was at Sciences Po to talk about the development of internal investigations and compliance under US influence with...
21 October 2021
How to prevent and deal with psychosocial risks: focus on the internal investigation and the...
Stéphane de Navacelle participates in the workshop on internal investigations at the États Généraux du Droit Social organised by the...
20 October 2021
Analysis of the bill to reinforce the fight against corruption by Deputy Gauvain
Navacelle team has examined the “Bill to reinforce the fight against corruption” which has just been submitted by the Deputy...
corruption arbitration decision
19 October 2021
New decision in the jurisprudential saga in the field of arbitration and corruption
Navacelle team would like to inform you of a new decision in the jurisprudential saga in the field of arbitration...
18 October 2021
« Paris must be seen as a key legal capital»
Interview of Stéphane de Navacelle conducted by Delphine Bauer for the newspaper Les petites affiches
14 October 2021
The French criminal procedural law
Thomas Lapierre presents the main elements of the French criminal procedural law for #LAWYEREX by European Lawyers Foundation.
5 October 2021
Report of the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the French Church
After two and a half years of work, the CIASE has submitted its report with the aim of understanding and...
1 October 2021
A future bill to improve France’s anti-corruption framework
An analysis of the future bill to improve France’s anti-corruption framework for the International Bar Association.
Paris Legal Makers
29 September 2021
Paris Legal Makers 2021
The first Paris Legal Makers conference dedicated to economic development through law will took place on 6 December 2021 at...
27 September 2021
Update of French Financial Market Regulator (AMF) of its control charters (in French)
This update specifies the procedures for carrying out control missions, the principles of good conduct followed by those in charge...
27 September 2021
Update of French Financial Market Regulator (AMF) of its investigation charters (in French)
This update specifies the procedures for carrying out investigation missions, the principles of good conduct followed by those in charge...
corruption arbitration decision
16 September 2021
The French DPA (“Convention judiciaire d’intérêt public”) on the way to simplification
On 4 August 2021, a new Decree was promulgated aiming to simplify formalities required for the conclusion of the CJIP...
French duty of care
3 September 2021
The European Parliament Lays the Foundations of a Corporate Due Diligence and Corporate Accountability
Julie Zorrilla, Thomas Lapierre and Stéphane de Navacelle, highlight for the International Bar Association anticorrpution news, the adoption on 10...
It’s not an “ego fight”: The do’s and don’ts of monitorships
20 August 2021
It’s not an “ego fight”: The do’s and don’ts of monitorships
Experts from around the world discuss what authorities, companies and monitors should do to ensure that a period of compliance...
The creation of the crime of ecocide in French law unleashes passions
14 July 2021
The creation of the crime of ecocide in French law unleashes passions
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2021
The in-house attorney status in France: a bygone idea or an emerging one?
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2021
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021
Happy 2021 Bastille Day! Lawyers at Navacelle thought you might be interested in reviewing a selection we made of noticeable events which...
Paris Court of Appeal highlights the growing importance of compliance in arbitration
14 July 2021
Paris Court of Appeal highlights the growing importance of compliance in arbitration
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
What will be the impact of the transposition of the EU Directive on the protection of whistleblowers into French law?
14 July 2021
What will be the impact of the transposition of the EU Directive on the protection...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy updates
14 July 2021
The Bolloré case and the risks attached to the French Individual Guilty Pleas
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
14 July 2021
The evaluation mission of the Sapin II law calls for a boost in France’s...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
Criminal liability’s transfer to the acquiring company in the event of a merger by acquisition and consecutive due diligence requirements
14 July 2021
Criminal liability’s transfer to the acquiring company in the event of a merger by acquisition...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
14 July 2021
The PNF looks back on a very unusual 2020 year
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2021
Compliance in the public sector: The Ministry of the Armed Forces issued its Code...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2021
The professional secrecy threatened by recent case law on seizure
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
Short overview of the French legal requirement for internal controls relating to the AML-CFT
14 July 2021
Short overview of the French legal requirement for internal controls relating to the AML-CFT
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
Preserving the primacy of due process and fair trial rights in the special context of the Coronavirus pandemic
14 July 2021
Preserving the primacy of due process and fair trial rights in the special context of...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
French initiatives in the fight against corruption for the period 2021-2030
14 July 2021
French initiatives in the fight against corruption for the period 2021-2030
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2021
The strengthening of environmental justice through the introduction of French Environmental Convention judiciaire d’intérêt public...
Bastille Day 2021 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy updates
An illustration of the employer's disciplinary power in case of non-compliance with internal company rules
14 July 2021
An illustration of the employer’s disciplinary power in case of non-compliance with internal company rules...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
14 July 2021
AFA updated its recommendations regarding anticorruption programs
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy updates
14 July 2021
AMF’s priority actions and supervision for 2021
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2021
Jurisdictional issues: when case law does not help clarifying unclear provisions of the law on...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Enforcement & Court decisions
14 July 2021
TRACFIN alerts on the emergence of electronic payment services as new vectors used by money...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2021
The time limits for consideration of the request for release of a person subject...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
14 July 2021
Future promulgation of a Law regarding the restitution of ill-gottens assets diverted by officials to...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
Bulletin - Paris Legal Makers
7 July 2021
Bulletin Barreau de Paris – Special report on Legal Makers
On December 6th, more than 1,000 international decision-makers will meet at the Palais Brongniart in Paris to discuss the legal...
17 June 2021
Webinar – Internal investigations : best practices and feedbacks
Stéphane de Navacelle participates with Benjamin Pondé, Nicolas Guillaume and Amine Gharby in a webinar on the steps to follow...
16 June 2021
Investigations: what future? (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla discuss the future of investigations for Village de la Justice.
7 June 2021
Amicus radio – Episode 5: Compliance and internal investigation – what future? (in French)
Reflections on the growing importance of compliance and internal investigation in business practice.
31 May 2021
Amicus radio – Episode 4: The internal investigation cannot be invented (in French)
Camille Potier, Delegate of the President of the Paris Bar, looks at the scope of professional secrecy in the practice...
24 May 2021
Amicus radio – Episode 3: The internal investigation: what guarantee for everyone’s rights? (in French)
The recommendations of the Paris Bar and the Conseil National des Barreaux on the guarantee of the rights of each...
21 May 2021
White paper on Investigations in criminal matters (in French)
The practice of investigation by the lawyer has become an essential element of a new form of criminal defence in...
20 May 2021
Ukrainian Network of Integrity and Compliance : annual meeting
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses the implementation of compliance obligations in Ukrainian legislation at the annual meeting of the UNIC.
17 May 2021
Amicus radio – Episode 2: The recent consecration of internal investigation and compliance. (in French)
Genesis and first steps of the CJIP established by the Sapin II law revealing a French policy of global fight...
10 May 2021
Investigations and Compliance: the Lawyer is a Snitch?! (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle hosted a series of podcasts on internal investigation and compliance for Amicus Radio, during spring 2021.
10 May 2021
Amicus radio – Episode 1: The lawyer leads the investigation, the internal investigation! (in French)
The practice of internal investigation in criminal matters has gradually become established in France as a result of the prosecution...
7 May 2021
Judge-lawyer-legal counsel (MAJ) – Training session 2 on internal investigation
Stéphane de Navacelle participated, under the auspices of the ENM, AFJE and EFB, and with the IHEJ's support, to the...
Webathon 2021
5 May 2021
Lawyers Around the World – Webathon on the Rule of Law
Stéphane de Navacelle, AIJA HRC Co-Chair, participates as a moderator to the first Webathon in defence of the Rule of...
21 April 2021
Lawyer, a profession that diversifies (in French)
Julia Minkowski, Partner Temine, and Stéphane de Navacelle answer Antoine Garapon, General Secretary of Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la...
20 April 2021
Recent developments on corporate criminal liability in France and EU legal cooperation in cross border...
Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla spoke on successor company corporate criminal liability, Plea Bargaining and DPAs in France as...
14 April 2021
The Risks of Individual Guilty Pleas in France
Key advice for professionals when contemplating a guilty plea procedure in France in the Anti-Corruption report.
13 April 2021
Artificial intelligence at the service of cross-border investigations (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle answers Arnaud Dumourier, Editor-in-chief Le Monde du Droit, on artificial intelligence in cross-border investigations.
23 March 2021
European Compliance and Ethics Community: Whistleblowing protection panel (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle, speaks about whistleblowers protection, its transposition into French law and the impact of the dedicated Directive on...
15 March 2021
Cross-border investigations: French legaltech gains ground
Pascale D'Amore, journalist at Décideurs Magazine, analyses the choice of NAVACELLE to collaborate with the French Legal Tech Theolex.
10 March 2021
NAVACELLE adopts Theolex AI solution
Navacelle adopts Theolex, a French legaltech startup that uses artificial intelligence (“AI”). Their solution is a transformative legal technology that...
8 March 2021
Navacelle co-authors GIR of the Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations – 5th edition
NAVACELLE co-authors the French chapter of the fifth edition of Global Investigations Review’s Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations.
12 February 2021
International Bar association Criminal Law Committee – Pro Bono Initiatives
Stéphane de Navacelle appointed Pro Bono Initiatives Officer of the International Bar association Criminal Law Committee.
5 February 2021
Compliance inside Companies for AAF/DAV Frankreich
Stéphane de Navacelle speaks about the complexity of introducing an efficient compliance system for Deutscher Anwaltverein.
4 February 2021
PNF opens fewer cases amid pandemic slowdown
Julie Zorrilla interviewed on France’s National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) performance over the past two years.
2 February 2021
Training session for Paris Bar : The role of the investigating lawyer
Stéphane de Navacelle speaks on the role of the investigating lawyer for Paris Bar as part of the Entrepreneurial Bar...
31 January 2021
Judge-lawyer-legal counsel (MAJ) training session on judicial investigations
Stéphane de Navacelle participates to the training session for Judges-Lawyers-Jurists (MAJ) on the “jucidial investigation”.
29 January 2021
Launch of the 2nd edition of Judge-lawyer-legal counsel training session (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle participates under the auspices of the ENM – Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, l’AFJE – Association...
27 January 2021
Internal criminal investigation fundamentals (in French)
Julie Zorrilla, Princessa Fouda and Sara Deyhim present the internal criminal investigation fundamentals for Compliances Magazine.
20 January 2021
Anti-corruption developments in jurisdictions around the world
International Bar Association Asset Recovery and Anti-Corruption Committees invited anti-corruption experts from around the world to meet in Paris to...
15 January 2021
French Anticorruption Agency’s updates recommendations regarding anticorruption programs
Julie Zorrilla, Princessa Fouda and Héloïse Vigouroux showcase the update to the French Anticorruption Agency’s recommendations for private and public...
13 January 2021
US Congress passes Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 (in French)
Julie Zorrilla, Princessa Fouda and Martin Méric highlight the strengthening of American anti-money laundering legal framework.
13 January 2021
The European Public Prosecutor Office : A New Key Player for Corporate White-Collar Crime Investigations ?
Julie Zorrilla, Princessa Fouda and Julia Velho showcase the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) launched in 2021 to investigate and...
11 January 2021
Trump Impeachment procedure
Stéphane de Navacelle answers Mariam Pirzadeh questions on the US impeachment procedure.
7 January 2021
Plea Bargaining and Deferred Prosecution Agreements in France
The French mechanisms for deferred prosecution agreements and plea bargaining, for the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC).
18 December 2020
Investigations: Navacelle/FRA roundtable discussions (in French)
We are excited to announce the launch of a new initiative led by FRA and NAVACELLE bringing together French in-house...
14 December 2020
French Corporate Duty of Vigilance Law : clarification on competent court for injunction
A recent Versailles Court of Appeal decision clarifies the French Corporate Duty of Vigilance Law and rules on the competent...
10 December 2020
International Bar Association – Cloud computing and the challenges facing professional secrecy
Stéphane de Navacelle, Clémentine Duverne and Sarah Reilly contributors to the International Bar Association Alternative and New Law Business Structures...
8 December 2020
Criminal liability of the acquiring company for acts committed by the acquired company prior to...
Recent overturn of the French Cour de cassation case law regarding the criminal liability of the acquiring company for acts...
7 December 2020
Sapin II and the French anti-corruption system
Stéphane de Navacelle invited by Luis Dantón Martínez Corres at the ICC México‘s Anticorruption Diploma to discuss Sapin II and...
2 December 2020
The Inspection of Justice report on the PNF investigation for breach of professional secrecy
An anaysis for the International Bar Association Criminal Law publications of the Inspection of Justice report on the PNF investigation...
26 November 2020
What if future EU mandatory human rights due diligence legislation comes to rescue of French...
Clémentine Duverne, Julie Zorrilla and Thomas Lapierre contributes to the International Bar Association European Regional Forum Publications: “What if future...
23 November 2020
Covid-19’s relief funds and their abuse in France
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses Covid-19 relief-funds and governments approach to prosecuting abuses at the International Bar Association 2020- Virtually Together. ...
20 November 2020
The specific role of lawyers in the context of internal investigations.
Clémentine Duverne and Stéphane de Navacelle invited at the Institut Francais de Prevention de La Fraude to discuss the specific role...
19 November 2020
INSEAD Program : Healthcare Compliance Implementation Leadership 2020
Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla invited by Craig Smith (Chaired Professor of Ethics & Social Responsibility) to share best...
9 November 2020
Practical advice to navigating European enforcement & investigation
NAVACELLE and FRA host a Global Influencer Session via IBA 2020 – Virtually Together on European enforcement and investigation.
29 October 2020
Virtual Global Forum on Corporate Criminal Liability
Stéphane de Navacelle co-chairs the Virtual Global Forum on Corporate Criminal Liability 2020 organized by Cambridge Forum.
16 October 2020
Webinar RIFAV (Afrique): Compliance and internal investigations
Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla participated in the International Network of Women Lawyers (RIFAV) - Africa webinar on compliance...
5 October 2020
13th conference of the Enforcement Committee of the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)
Stéphane de Navacelle discussed the impact of the AMF sanctions in the 13th conference of the Enforcement Committee of the...
28 September 2020
Sexual abuses inside the French Catholic Church
Stéphane de Navacelle spoke about sexual abuse inside the French Catholic Church at a meeting for CIASE.
25 September 2020
Debates-workshops for the development of a shared vocabulary concerning abusive situations
Under the auspices of the French Ministry for health and solidarity, a debates-workshops was chaired by Alice Casagrande alongside members...
24 September 2020
Contribution to the Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires n°28 – professional secrecy today (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle quoted by Anne Portmann in the Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires – French Corporate law weekly – about...
16 September 2020
Nomination to AIJA Extended Bureau & Human Rights Committee
Stéphane de Navacelle appointed to AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) Extended Bureau and Human Rights Committee.
14 September 2020
Paris Bar Bulletin on Internal investigations : « Knowledge without conscience is but the ruin...
Stéphane de Navacelle, former member of Paris Bar Council, regroups Béatrice Brugués-Reix (Dentons), Thomas Baudesson (Clifford Chance Paris) and Edmond-Claude...
14 July 2020
Some recent developments in criminal law in France amidst the Coronavirus pandemic
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2020
Ne bis in idem: France stays on the sidelines of the European stance on the...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
14 July 2020
The French Supreme Court confirms its position on the presumption of money laundering
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
14 July 2020
The French Anti-corruption Agency releases updated guidelines on the corporate anti-corruption compliance function
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2020
Lesson drawn from the two first decisions of the Enforcement Committee of the French Anti-corruption...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
14 July 2020
Incompatibility of French asset freeze measures with EU law
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2020
The GRECO Fifth Evaluation Round report on France
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2020
An environmental CJIP towards a greener transaction justice
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2020
Key takeaways from the past year’s CJIPs
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
14 July 2020
Is there room for improvement in the French law on whistleblowers in the wake of...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2020
The challenges brought to the independence of the French Public Prosecutor’s Office
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - 3-lines outline of some noteworthy events
14 July 2020
French Prosecutor opened an investigation into potential mismanagement during the Covid-19 crisis
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - 3-lines outline of some noteworthy events
14 July 2020
French Ministry of Justice reacts to the European recommendations for fighting international corruption
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2020
French Supreme court ruled that the non-compliance with anticorruption provisions could enable co-contractor to terminate...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
14 July 2020
French criminal procedure welcomes the European Public Prosecutor
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2020
French Court approves dismissal of an employee for breach of company anticorruption policy
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
14 July 2020
French financial authorities warning on fraud increase in time of Covid-19
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - 3-lines outline of some noteworthy events
14 July 2020
Transparency International sounds the alarm about the risks of corruption in the face of Covid-19
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - 3-lines outline of some noteworthy events
14 July 2020
Paris Bar Council releases a Report and updates the Guidelines on the role of lawyers...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2020
The French Supreme Court confirms the importance of the French Financial Prosecutor’s Office in the...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - 3-lines outline of some noteworthy events
14 July 2020
New article 314-1-1 of the Criminal Code introduces the offence of breach of trust for...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - 3-lines outline of some noteworthy events
14 July 2020
The French Data Protection Authority releases guidelines on professional reports
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2020
The French administrative Supreme Court recalls the limits of the employer‘s internal investigation powers vis-à-vis...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Enforcement & Court Decisions
14 July 2020
French Prosecutors continue to conclude French Deferred Prosecution Agreements
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - 3-lines outline of some noteworthy events
14 July 2020
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020
Happy 2020 Bastille Day! Lawyers at NAVACELLE thought you might be interested in reviewing a selection we made of noticeable events which...
14 July 2020
A major role for the AFA in the Anti-Corruption Authorities’ global mapping?
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2020
The French Anti-Corruption Authority releases its 2019 activity report
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - 3-lines outline of some noteworthy events
14 July 2020
France finalizes the transposition of the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive by adopting new provisions on...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2020 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
9 July 2020
Can lawyers become their clients’ whistleblowers? – Joint reflection in Les Echos (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle along with former Bar Presidents Bâtonniers Christian Charrière-Bournazelle, Jacques Taquet and Basile Ader publishes an opinion in...
8 July 2020
French criminal law in the face of Covid-19 – Navacelle for the ABA
Stéphane de Navacelle, Clémentine Duverne and Princessa Fouda co-authors of “Recent developments in criminal law in France amidst the Coronavirus...
6 July 2020
Interview of Stéphane de Navacelle in The Letter from Business Lawyers  (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle met by French weekly LJA (La Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires) on the latest trends regarding specificities and...
25 June 2020
Judge-lawyer-legal counsel (MAJ) training session on judicial investigations – Stéphane de Navacelle
Stéphane de Navacelle participates along with Aude Buresi, Investigating Judge at the Financial Investigations Division (Tribunal judiciaire de Paris), and...
19 June 2020
“Professional secrecy vs. Legal privilege” – by Stéphane de Navacelle, delegate of the French Bars...
Stéphane de Navacelle author of the June 2020 Expert’s advice on “Secret professionnel versus legal privilege” from the Delegation of...
17 June 2020
Interview of Stéphane de Navacelle on the latest white-collar law developments in France in Observatoire...
Stéphane de Navacelle interviewed by the French Observatoire de la Justice Pénale on the latest news regarding white collar crime...
12 June 2020
Review of the Criminal Policy Circular on the Fight against International Corruption by Julie Zorrilla
Julie Zorrilla speaks to James Thomas, GIR – Global Investigation Review, about the new French MoJ Ministère de la Justice....
4 June 2020
Judge-lawyer-legal counsel (MAJ) training session on administrative investigations – Stéphane de Navacelle
Stéphane de Navacelle participates along with Aude Buresi, Investigating Judge at the Financial Investigations Division (Tribunal judiciaire de Paris), Sophie...
29 May 2020
Environmental compliance, an increasingly relevant subject in France – Navacelle for the IBA
Environmental compliance in absence of a general framework and effective criminal environmental law and enforcement tools ahead of the extension...
21 May 2020
Prosecutions and their impact on businesses – FRA Conference 
Stéphane de Navacelle participates in round table along with Frances McLeod & Derek Patterson (FRA), Shaul Brazil (BCL Solicitors LLP), William Redgrave (Baker & Partners) and Greg Glynn & Joanelle O’Cleirigh (Arthur...
20 May 2020
Judge-lawyer-legal counsel (MAJ) training session on internal investigations – Stéphane de Navacelle
Stéphane de Navacelle participates along with Aude Buresi, Juge d’instruction Pôle financier (Tribunal judiciaire de Paris), and Xavier Hubert, Directeur...
20 April 2020
Internal investigations lead by lawyers: a new take at white-collar crime? (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla co-authors of an article in Revue Lamy Droit des Affaires (Wolters Kluwer France) regarding...
15 April 2020
Presentation “The internal investigation by lawyers” in Live Facebook
Stéphane de Navacelle presents – with moderators Bar Council (Conseil de l’Ordre) members Hirbod Dehghani-Azar and Yannick Sala – as...
9 April 2020
AFA awaits results of enquiry by independent auditor
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses review of French Anticorruption Agency (Agence Française Anticorruption) by the French Cour des comptes with Global...
6 April 2020
Highlights on the impact of Covid-19
NAVACELLE trainees Clément Allais, Amelle Djedi, Soukaina El-Mekkaoui, Christelle Meda and Ekaterina Oleinikova have put together highlights on the impact...
20 March 2020
Navacelle co-authors GIR of the Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations – 4th edition
Clémentine Duverne, Julie Zorrilla and Stéphane de Navacelle co-author the French chapter of the fourth edition of Global Investigations Review’s Practitioner’s...
13 February 2020
Navacelle promotes Clémentine Duverne and Julie Zorrilla to Partner
NAVACELLE is delighted to announce that Clémentine Duverne and Julie Zorrilla have been promoted as Partners.
11 February 2020
La Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires. Association France Amériques conference. February 3 2020 (in French)
About the conference “Negotiated justice”, French law under American influence?. France-Amériques Association, Paris. February 3 2020. « Stéphane de Navacelle, a...
3 February 2020
“Negotiated justice”, French law under American influence?
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses “Negotiated justice”, French law under American influence?” at the invitation of Jean-Luc Fournier, President of France-Amériques...
26 December 2019
Concilium IBA
NAVACELLE has joined forces with 14 law firms to create an international alliance that serves multinational corporations in the areas of...
20 December 2019
Report on the interests at play in relation to the status and the role of...
Stéphane de Navacelle, co-author with Paris Bar immediate past Vice-President Basile Ader (August Debouzy) and contributors Thomas Baudesson (Clifford Chance)...
19 December 2019
Presentation of Nasrallah Niazi
Nasrallah Niazi, Lawyer at Afghanistan Bar, on secondment to NAVACELLE, presents Afghani legal system and criminal procedure to firm.
17 December 2019
Formation ENM – “panel on internal investigation”
Stéphane de Navacelle participates to a panel on “internal investigation” alongside Denis Chemla, Lawyer Allen & Overy, Fred Einbinder, Former...
12 December 2019
Formation ENM – “The negotiated criminal evidence”
Julie Zorrilla alongside Juliette Lelieur, Professor at Strasbourg University, discuss “The negotiated criminal evidence” at the ENM, Paris, France.
6 December 2019
Paris Bar 2019 Rentrée
Stéphane de Navacelle, Barreau de Paris Bar Council member, International Committee Secretary, welcomes under Paris Bar Presidency of Marie-Aimée Peyron...
6 December 2019
INSEAD : best practices for internal investigations 2019
Stéphane de Navacelle et Julie Zorrilla invited by Craig Smith (Chaired Professor of Ethics and Social Responsibility) at INSEAD Healthcare...
5 December 2019
IFDPAC – The European Public Prosecutor: a new European player in the prosecution of financial...
Every year, cross-border fraud costs Europe several billion euros. VAT fraud accounts for almost 50 billion euros of misappropriated funds....
3 December 2019
Clémentine Duverne and Princessa Fouda at Navacelle
NAVACELLE is joined by Clémentine Duverne as Counsel and Princessa Fouda as Associate.
27 November 2019
Davit Hakobyan hosted by NAVACELLE
NAVACELLE, hosted Davit Hakobyan, admitted to the Republic of Armenia Bar, as part of the 2019 International Internship Program or-ganized...
26 November 2019
“The CJIP: the new prosecutor/lawyer/company relationship and the role of the AFA” at the ENM...
Julie Zorrilla Eric Russo, Prosecutor of the Parquet National Financier, and Salvator Erba, Deputy Director of Control at the French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA),...
22 November 2019
The Congress of the French Association of Collaborative Law: “Lawyer: what is the right spot?”
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses alongside Coralie Gaffinel, lawyer, instructor in collaborative process, Marta Spranzi, PhD in history and science philosophy,...
20 November 2019
Symposium “China – Africa – Europe : which standards for which cooperation”
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses alongside Louis-Bernard Buchman, Lawyer, President of the International Commission of the National Council of French Bars...
14 November 2019
Visit to Palestine / Israel
Stéphane de Navacelle, Council Member, speaks on change in legal paradigm when approaching global corporate risk in France, part of...
13 November 2019
66rd cycle on strategic and economic intelligence IHEDN
Stéphane de Navacelle and Clémentine Duverne at the invitation of Guillaume Stevens Chadelas discuss Internal investigations in corruption matters at...
12 November 2019
“Social and environmental interest of companies” – World Bank
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses alongside Anne-Charlotte Gros, Executive Director of the Foundation For Civil Law, Mariel Kalkach, research scholar UNESCO,...
6 November 2019
“New extraterritoriality trends under French law and enforcement” – ABA International Criminal Law Committee
Julie Zorrilla and Clémentine Duverne speak about new extraterritoriality trends under French law and enforcement, including the Gauvain Report and...
21 October 2019
Symposium on “The twenty years of OHADA arbitration: assessment and prospects” in Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Stéphane de Navacelle, Paris Bar Council Member, invited by Jackson Ngnie Kamga (President, Conference of OHADA Bars), Achille Ngwanza (Jus...
18 October 2019
Eighth Annual London White Collar Crime Institute – ABA
Stéphane de Navacelle moderates questions to Peter B. Pope (International Liaison and Investigations Advisor, UK Serious Fraud Office) at the...
25 September 2019
IBA Annual Conference panel: double jeopardy
Stéphane de Navacelle participates to a panel on “Double jeopardy: the relationship between administrative processes and criminal proceedings” alongside Clarissa...
24 September 2019
Human Rights training provided to the delegation of the Iraqi Jurists Union
Julie Zorrilla discusses the interaction between business and Human Rights alongside Julie Gonidec (Partner, Alètheia Avocats), Martin Pradel (Partner, Betto...
23 September 2019
Mock trial at IBA Annual Conference
Stéphane de Navacelle participates at the interactive criminal trial session of the Criminal Law Section’s mock trial along with Claire...
20 September 2019
Daini Tokyo Bar Association & Barreau de Paris International Campus
Stéphane de Navacelle moderates along with Daisuke Yuki (Nozomi Sogo Attorneys at Law), panel on “Criminal Procedure and White-Collar Crime”...
2 August 2019
“Strategic mindset of negociations with enforcement authorities” – Radio program France Culture “Matières à penser”, 1 August 2019
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses the underlying strategic mindset of negociations with enforcement authorities with Antoine Garapon, Secrétaire Général Institut des...
14 July 2019
Any individual with a role in a public procurement process can be held liable for...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Enforcement / Court Decisions
14 July 2019
French Labor law considerations when dealing with internal investigation
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2019
A brief compare and contrast between European and French whistleblowing mechanisms & the EU Directive
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2019
Compliance monitorship by the French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA)
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2019
New law & executive orders increase the reach of tax offenses enforcement
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2019
May 22 PACTE Law strengthens French Competition Authority investigative powers
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2019
Anti-corruption Authority (AFA) releases 2018 activity report – audits, guidance & more
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2019
Anticorruption Agency (AFA) and Financial Prosecutor (PNF) take a stance in favor of DPAs though...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2019
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019
Happy 2019 Bastille Day! Lawyers at Navacelle thought you might be interested in reviewing a selection we made of noticeable...
14 July 2019
MP provides PM with guidelines to reassert French and European Sovereignty and shied companies from...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates
14 July 2019
Egypt hosts the first African anticorruption forum and toes the line
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - What’s Hot Beyond
14 July 2019
Francophone Institute on White Collar Crime and Compliance
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - What’s Hot Beyond
14 July 2019
3-liners on active matters
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Enforcement / Court Decisions
14 July 2019
Seizure of property that amounts to indirect and partial proceeds of the offence must be...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Enforcement / Court Decisions
14 July 2019
Société Générale DPA for violations of Cuban embargo – manipulation of the law in global...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Enforcement / Court Decisions
14 July 2019
Carmignac to pay a 30 million euro fine to settle tax fraud prosecution
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Enforcement / Court Decisions
14 July 2019
UBS conviction: lessons learned from the decision that made France a “B” – as in...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2019 - Enforcement / Court Decisions
9 July 2019
GIR Live Paris: French DPA guidelines incentivise self-reporting
Stéphane de Navacelle comments on Eliane Houlette’s tenure as first French National Financial Prosecutor and continuity with the office and French...
6 July 2019
Paris Bar Association – Campus 2019 – Developing an international practice
Stéphane de Navacelle, Paris Bar Council Member (Barreau de Paris) addresses along with Philippe Assor (Assor avocats), Thomas Baudesson (Clifford...
3 July 2019
Paris Bar Association – Campus 2019 – Ethical and practical challenges of lawyers as investigators
Stéphane de Navacelle, Paris Bar Council member, discusses alongside Margot Sève (Skadden Arps), Nicolas Brooke (Signature Litigation) and Pierre-Olivier Sur (FTMS) the ethical and practical challenges of lawyers...
27 June 2019
French DPAs and international cooperation – GIR Live Paris
Stéphane de Navacelle participates as speaker alongside Astrid Mignon Colombet (Soulez Larivière) and Yousr Khalil (FRA) to a panel on...
17 June 2019
Future of the legal profession and role of bars – Stéphane de Navacelle interview. Mutations,...
Stéphane de Navacelle, Ordre des avocats de Paris Bar Council Member, interviewed by Pascal Dibamou, journalist at Mutations daily and...
6 June 2019
Conference of the Cameroun Bar rentrée in Yaoundé
Stéphane de Navacelle, Ordre des avocats de Paris Paris Bar Council Member, discusses Compliance and soft law alongside Sylvie Nicole...
4 June 2019
Paris Bar Association – In-house investigator’s lawyers, ethical recommendations
Stéphane de Navacelle participates alongside Thomas Baudesson (Clifford Chance) to a panel moderated by William Feugère on ethical considerations and...
18 April 2019
Workshop Conventions “Cooperation between regulatory agencies”
Stéphane de Navacelle participate as a speaker alongside Gérard Rameix and Mathias Pigeat to a Workshop organized by Conventions on...
16 April 2019
Julie Zorrilla promoted Counsel
NAVACELLE promotes Julie Zorrilla to Counsel.
11 April 2019
Julian Assange arrest (France 24)
Stéphane de Navacelle speaks on France 24 about the arrest of Julian Assange.
11 April 2019
ABA SIL Washington – European Hard-Line Enforcement: Threats to the US Monopoly on International Prosecutions
Stéphane de Navacelle participates in panel on “Evidence in Internal Investigations – Theory & Practice” with Robin Lööf, Counsel Debevoise...
9 April 2019
Breakfast Debevoise & FRA & NAVACELLE
Stéphane de Navacelle participates in panel on “Evidence in Internal Investigations – Theory & Practice” with Robin Lööf, Counsel Debevoise...
8 March 2019
Global Forum on Corporate Criminal Liability – Chantilly March 7- 8, 2019
Stéphane de Navacelle co-chairs the Global Forum on Corporate Criminal Liability 2019 held by Cambridge Forum alongside Michael Bowes QC...
6 February 2019
Navacelle co-authors GIR of the Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations – 3rd edition
Editors Judith Seddon, Eleanor Davison, Christopher J Morvillo, Michael Bowes QC, Luke Tolaini, Amma A. Adams and Tara McGrath The Half-Year update to GIR’s Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations...
3 February 2019
Corruption and embezzlement : American justice too harsh with French companies?
Stéphane de Navacelle quoted by Arnaud Leparmentier, New York correspondent for Le Monde, on the lack of preparation of European...
10 January 2019
Revue Internationale de la Compliance et de l’éthique des Affaires – The Petrobras case, a...
Stéphane de Navacelle et Julie Zorrilla authors of “The Petrobras case, a new example of cooperation between authorities” published in...
8 January 2019
Décideurs – A French practice of the criminal law of the business to the test...
Stéphane de Navacelle et Julie Zorrilla authors of “A French practice of white-collar crime to the test of globalization” published...
26 December 2018
IBA – The first step towards implementing DPAs in France
Stéphane de Navacelle author of “The first step towards implementing DPAs in France” published by IBA’s Business Crime Committee....
18 December 2018
Paris Bar International internship, Comoros / France
NAVACELLE hosts Faïzat Said Bacar (SAID BACAR & ZAID OMAR, Moroni, Comores) during the international lawyers’ exchange organized by the...
12 December 2018
63rd cycle on strategic and economic intelligence – IHEDN
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses “The investigation procedure into corruption allegations” at the 63rd cycle on strategic and economic intelligence organized...
29 November 2018
Paris Bar Rentrée
Stéphane de Navacelle, Bar Council Member Ordre des avocats de Paris, discusses “Law: a tool for enhancing economic appeal”, at...
27 November 2018
INSEAD Healthcare Compliance Implementation Leadership Programme 2018
Stéphane de Navacelle invited by Craig Smith to discuss investigations’ best practices with participants to the Healthcare Compliance Implementation Leadership...
17 November 2018
ROXIN Alliance – 7th Roxin Alliance Meeting
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses “The Western Approach: Global and Cross-Border Enforcement” with John Turlais (Foley & Lardner LLP), David Rieks...
14 November 2018
ENM – French Prosecutor seminar on Major economic and financial crime
Stéphane de Navacelle addresses cross-border internal investigations and cooperation with foreign prosecutors from the company’s standpoint at the French Prosecutor...
7 November 2018
IBA – New Frontiers of ADR: From Commercial and Investment Matters to Regulatory Violations
Stéphane de Navacelle participates in panel « Negotiated settlements in regulatory matters as a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution »...
25 October 2018
Global Investigation Review – 3rd Annual GIR Live DC Fall
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses emerging issues in the cross-border regulatory environment with Andy G. Gandhi, Bill Parkin and Adam Safwat...
24 October 2018
IBA – The controversial use of glass-enclosed docks in the French courts
Stéphane de Navacelle, Julie Zorrilla and Sarah Reilly authors of “The controversial use of glass-enclosed docks in the French courts”...
16 October 2018
C5 – Anti-Corruption France
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses “From the Assessment of the Sapin II Law’s Anti-Corruption System to the First French Deferred Prosecution...
15 October 2018
Barreau de Paris – New Businesses of law
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses « When the lawyer conducts the internal investigation … the “how to” of a new practice...
11 October 2018
IBA – Agence Française Anti-corruption: a new French agency to fight corruption
Stéphane de Navacelle, Julie Zorrilla and Sarah Reilly authors of “Agence Française Anti-corruption: a new French agency to fight corruption”...
8 October 2018
ABA – Seventh Annual London White Collar Crime Institute
Stéphane de Navacelle moderates panel “A comparative look at jurisdictions around the world” alongside Kirby Behre, Dr. Wolfgang Spoerr, Mariana...
2 October 2018
First CJIP agreed to with the National Prosecutor’s Office in the field of international corruption...
Stéphane de Navacelle and Sandrine dos Santos authors of “First CJIP agreed to with the National Prosecutor’s Office in the...
11 September 2018
Anticorruption Laws and Regulations Guide – Global Law and Business
Stéphane de Navacelle, Sandrine dos Santos and Julie Zorrilla co-authors France’s Chapter of « Anticorruption Laws and Regulations Guide »...
16 August 2018
Intervention at Fondation René Cassin – Institut international des droits de l’homme
Matthieu Bagard invited by the Fondation René Cassin – Institut international des droits de l’homme to its 49th Summer School...
9 August 2018
Navacelle co-authors GIR of the Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations – 2nd Edition
Editors Judith Seddon, Eleanor Davison, Christopher J Morvillo, Michael Bowes QC and Luke Tolaini publish the Half-Year update to GIR’s...
14 July 2018
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018
Happy 2018 Bastille Day! Lawyers at NAVACELLE thought you might be interested in reviewing a selection we made of noticeable events...
14 July 2018
Anti-corruption NGOs’ standing in criminal procedure limited
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018 - Enforcement / Court Decisions
14 July 2018
Recognition of enhance legal privilege to come?
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018 - Enforcement / Court Decisions
14 July 2018
US guilty plea not valid ne bis in idem defense
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018 - Enforcement / Court Decisions
14 July 2018
French-style DPAs: CJIP (Convention Judiciaire d’Intérêt Public)
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018 - Enforcement / Court Decisions
14 July 2018
Constitutional Council rules Executive prosecutorial oversight not in breach of separation of panel on the...
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018 - Enforcement / Court Decisions
14 July 2018
France seeks to reinforce its anti-corruption and compliance arsenal
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018 - What’s Hot
14 July 2018
Upholding of France trade secret
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018 - What’s Hot
14 July 2018
First French conviction in the “III-gottent gains” case
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018 - What’s Hot
14 July 2018
The monopoly of the French tax administration on tax enforcement fraud in jeopardy
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018 - What’s Hot
14 July 2018
Clearstream case – an opportunity to detail some constituent elements of influence trafficking and corruptions
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018 - What’s Hot
14 July 2018
New challenges arising from the conduct of internal investigations by attorneys
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018 - What’s Hot
14 July 2018
France’s asserts authority over multiple jurisdiction prosecutions in corruption cases
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018 - What’s Hot
14 July 2018
AFA: a new French agency to fight corruption
Bastille Day Newsletter 2018 - What’s Hot
3 July 2018
World Bank Negotiated Resolution Agreement
Stéphane de Navacelle appointed Monitor pursuant to a World Bank Negotiated Resolution Agreement.
12 June 2018
IBA – France’s increasing power over multiple jurisdiction prosecutions in corruption cases
Stéphane de Navacelle, Julie Zorrilla, Matthieu Bagard and Assumpta Nziyumvira co-author article on « France’s increasing power over multiple jurisdiction...
17 May 2018
Working towards a more flexible approach to French attorney–client confidentiality
Stéphane de Navacelle, Julie Zorrilla and Thalia Gerzso co-author article on “Working towards a more flexible approach to French attorney–client...
1 May 2018
Global Investigations Review – Double jeopardy
Stéphane de Navacelle quoted by Global Investigations Review – Law Business Research on double jeopardy “you have no defence for...
18 April 2018
The Global Witness: Managing Legal Ethics and Other Challenges in Preparing for Testimony in an...
Stéphane de Navacelle participates in a panel for ABA Section of International Law.The Panel compares and contrasts competing approaches, including...
17 April 2018
European Corporate Liability – Do’s and Don’ts in Cross Borders Investigations
Stéphane de Navacelle intervenes at a panel for the ABA Section of International Law Annual Conference. The panel compares Corporate...
4 April 2018
Global Investigations Review – Geopolitical considerations passing of Sapin II
Stéphane de Navacelle quoted by GIR (Law Business Research) in March 2018 (issue n°6) on geopolitical considerations passing of Sapin...
15 March 2018
A Guided Tour Through the Rolls-Royce Case
Stéphane de Navacelle participates to a panel for the Global Forum on Corporate Liability discussing the Rolls-Royce case. Between the...
14 March 2018
Les Echos – Anticorruption law Sapin 2’s tools
Stéphane de Navacelle quoted by Valérie Senneville in lead French financial daily Les Echos on anticorruption law Sapin 2’s tools...
28 February 2018
Defence in Multi-National Investigations
Stéphane de Navacelle intervenes at the 32nd Annual National Institute on White Collar Crime in San Diego. The panel discussed...
14 February 2018
EY Webinar – Implications of SAPIN II on emerging markets
Stéphane de Navacelle was pleased to hold a webinar on the implications of Sapin II law in emerging markets with...
7 February 2018
US-France prisoner transfer framework
Stéphane de Navacelle details the legal framework surrounding prisoner transfers from the US to France in order to determine whether...
5 February 2018
France 24 – European arrest warrant application
Stéphane de Navacelle answers FRANCE 24’s Mark Owen questions on European arrest warrant application, cooperation between French and Belgium authorities...
1 January 2018
Laurine Becker joins Navacelle as Associate
NAVACELLE is delighted to announce the arrival of Laurine Becker as a new associate within the firm.
1 January 2018
Sandrine dos Santos promoted to Counsel at NAVACELLE
NAVACELLE is delighted to announce the arrival of Sandrine dos Santos as a new associate within the firm.
28 November 2017
Best practices in cross-border investigations
Stéphane de Navacelle presents best practices for internal investigations to the Healthcare Compliance Implementation Leadership Programme at INSEAD.
16 November 2017
58th cycle Economic and Strategic Intelligence – IHEDN
Stéphane de Navacelle intervient au 58ème cycle Intelligence Economique et Stratégique de l'Institut des Hautes études de la défense nationale...
25 October 2017
The World’s Policeman? The Global Reach of U.S. Criminal Law
Stéphane de Navacelle intervenes at an ABA Section of International Law on the global reach of US criminal law alongside...
19 October 2017
EFB – Criminal cooperation and international investigations
Stéphane de Navacelle intervient à l'Ecole de formation du barreau (EFB) sur le thème Coopération pénale et enquêtes internationales....
17 October 2017
France 24 – Fate and legal status of French families of the Islamic State
Stéphane de Navacelle speaks on France 24 about the legal status and fate of families returning to France after joining...
11 October 2017
Negotiating Criminal Resolutions with Government Enforcers Around the World
Stéphane de Navacelle intervient à un Panel lors de la 6th Roxin Alliance Annual Meeting sur le thème Negotiating Criminal...
4 September 2017
Workshop discussion with Jed Rakoff at ENM
Stéphane de Navacelle moderates a workshop discussion with Jed Rakoff at the invitation of EIFR – European Institute of Financial...
25 August 2017
France 24 – Hearing before the French Administrative Supreme Court on the validity of the...
Stéphane de Navacelle interviewed by France 24 on procedure and legal standard for emergency hearing by French Administrative Supreme Court...
14 July 2017
Paris Bar vademecum for lawyers carrying out internal investigations
Bastille Day Newsletter 2017
14 July 2017
Enforcement / Court Decisions – July 2016 to July 2017
Bastille Day Newsletter 2017 - Enforcement / Court Decisions
14 July 2017
Changes to the Statute of Limitation
Bastille Day Newsletter 2017 - Legislative Updates
14 July 2017
Moralization of public life
Bastille Day Newsletter 2017 - Legislative Updates
14 July 2017
Data Protection
Bastille Day Newsletter 2017 - Legislative Updates
14 July 2017
Double Jeopardy – Cumulation of criminal and administrative penalties
Bastille Day Newsletter 2017 - Legislative Updates
14 July 2017
Transposition of the EU’s Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive
Bastille Day Newsletter 2017 - Legislative Updates
14 July 2017
Duty of care of parent and contracting companies law
Bastille Day Newsletter 2017 - Legislative Updates
14 July 2017
The Sapin II law, a new source of liability for companies and individuals
Bastille Day Newsletter 2017 - Legislative Updates
14 July 2017
Bastille Day Newsletter 2017
Happy 2017 Bastille Day! Lawyers at Navacelle thought you might be interested in reviewing a selection we made of noticeable...
14 July 2017
CJIP: a French DPA
Bastille Day Newsletter 2017 - Legislative Updates
14 June 2017
France 24 – Transparency in public life
Stéphane de Navacelle interviewed by France 24 on the new law on transparency in public life.
8 June 2017
Amicus Radio – Internal investigations (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle and Aurélien Hamelle invited by Amicus Radio to answer Antoine Garapon‘s questions on internal investigations and what...
26 May 2017
GIR Newsletter #1 – Spring Update
Stéphane de Navacelle, Sandrine dos Santos and Julie Zorrilla address the creation of the French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA) under Sapin...
17 May 2017
20th IBA Transnational Crime Conference : Conducting the defense investigation : A comparison of law and practice
Stéphane de Navacelle intervenes at the 20th IBA Transnational Crime Conference in Lisbon in a panel composed of Francesco Isolabella...
25 April 2017
Panama Papers Revisited: One Year Later
Stéphane de Navacelle intervenes at ABA Section of International Law Spring Meeting in Washington DC in a panel alongside Kim...
24 April 2017
LJA – Sciences Po
Stéphane de Navacelle, mentioned in LJA by Marie de Boynes, General Counsel of Sciences-Po for his assistance in “sensitive cases...
24 April 2017
ZHAW School – Evolving European legislation and Enforcement under US influence
Stéphane de Navacelle invited to discuss Evolving European legislation and Enforcement under US influence at Excellence in Compliance seminar at...
20 March 2017
GIR – Airbus reveals UK and France cross-border cooperation
Stéphane de Navacelle quoted in GIR article about UK and France cross-border cooperation to investigate French Aerospace company Airbus.
17 March 2017
ICLG – Corporate investigations 2017
NAVACELLE law firm addresses frequent issues in corporate investigations laws and regulations in ICLG Corporate Investigations 2017.
16 March 2017
The French Anticorruption Agency (AFA) explained – Sapin 2 law
The decree will enter into force on March 16, 2017. It defines the three tasks of the AFA which will...
10 March 2017
ABA CJS Newsletter (Winter)
Stéphane de Navacelle featured on frontpage of ABA Criminal Justice Section Newsletter Volume 25, No. 2 Winter 2017
8 March 2017
31st Annual White Collar Crime National Institute – ABA
Stéphane de Navacelle speaks in a Panel at the ABA 31st Annual White Collar Crime National Institute on "Responding to...
1 March 2017
France 24 – Procedural consequences of presidential contendant’s interview
Stéphane de Navacelle interviewed by France 24 on the procedural consequences of presidential contendant’s interview by financial investigating magistrates.
27 February 2017
France 24 – “Do scandals matter? Fillon, Le Pen cry witch-hunt over corruption probes”
Stéphane de Navacelle invited by France 24 to participate in the debate on criminal investigations into leading candidates in the...
9 February 2017
Decideurs – “Tailor made financial crime defense by NAVACELLE”
Tailor made financial crime defense by NAVACELLE
20 January 2017
CGI – Meeting anti-corruption and whistleblowers
Stéphane de Navacelle addresses CGI on what companies need to roll out to comply with requirements of Sapin II law...
1 January 2017
Navacelle co-authors GIR of the Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations – 1st Edition
Stéphane de Navacelle, Sandrine Dos Santos and Julie Zorrilla address dos and don’ts of corporate investigations in France in the Practitioner’s Guide to Global...
12 December 2016
IHEDN – Ethics and compliance, international risk management
Stéphane de Navacelle and Sandrine Dos Santos speak at the Institute of Higher National Defence Studies at “Ethics and compliance,...
8 December 2016
France 24 – Former French budget minister Jérôme Cahuzac sentenced to three years in prison
Stéphane de Navacelle interviewed by France 24 on guilty decision against former French budget minister and steeping up of enforcement...
1 December 2016
Paris Bar Council
Stéphane de Navacelle elected by his peers to the Paris Bar Council (the deliberative, policy-making and disciplinary body of the...
1 November 2016
INSEAD Healthcare Compliance Implementation Leadership Program 2016
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses investigations best practices with participants to the Healthcare Compliance Implementation Leadership Programme at INSEAD.
11 October 2016
GIR – Paris bar association issues recommendations for Upjohn warning in internal investigation
Stéphane de Navacelle quoted in GIR article of October 11, 2016 on internal investigations and new ethical framework within the...
10 October 2016
ABA 5th annual meeting of the London White Collar Crime Institute
Stéphane de Navacelle intervenes at the 5th ABA annual meeting of the London White Collar Crime Institute.
1 October 2016
L’Expansion n°818 – “United States, Avengers of global business”
Stéphane de Navacelle quoted in the article “United-States, avengers of global business” in the headlines of l’Expansion magazine issue n°818...
1 October 2016
Complex financial investigation: actors and future ? – Ministry of the Interior
Stéphane de Navacelle participe à une conférence au Ministère de l'intérieur sur "L'investigation financière complexe : acteurs & avenirs"....
7 September 2016
France 24 – Compatibility between measures taken to combat terrorism and respect for the rule of law
Partner Stéphane de Navacelle talks to France 24 about the compatibility of counter-terrorism measures with the rule of law.
26 August 2016
Business, Sports and Fraud: Compliance and Risk Management
Stéphane de Navacelle participates at the AIJA IBLC, Commercial Fraud and Sports Law Commissions’ joint session. It focuses on several...
15 June 2016
Age Dating in Environmental Forensics: When, Why & How?
Stéphane de Navacelle intervenes about Age Dating in Environmental Forensics.
9 June 2016
Banking Commission Seminar – Shower of regulations on the Financial and Insurance sectors! Where does...
Stéphane de Navacelle intervenes at the Banking Commission Seminar (AIJA – Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats) in Zurich, Switzerland.
2 June 2016
France 24- Corruption in Tokyo 2020 Olympics Bid
Stéphane de Navacelle invited by France 24 to participate in the debate on Corruption in Tokyo 2020 Olympics Bid.
1 June 2016
Cross-border defense in the European Union
Sandrine dos Santos intervenes at Lisbon District Council with Lisbon Criminal Lawyers Association
20 May 2016
France 24 – Salah Abdelslam’s right to silence
Stéphane de Navacelle interviewed by France 24 on the right to remain silent exercised by Salah Abdelslam.
1 May 2016
France 24 – Constitutionality of detention of Paris bombing suspects
Stéphane de Navacelle answers France 24's questions on the constitutionality of the detention of the suspects of the Paris attacks...
28 April 2016
France 24 – Criminal procedure applicable in France in the case of Salah Abdeslam
Stéphane de Navacelle answers France 24's questions on French criminal procedure as it will be applied to the 13 November...
7 April 2016
Transfer of Salah Abdeslam from Belgium to France and underlying procedure
Stéphane de Navacelle interviewed on France 24 on de lay of transfer of terrorist suspect Abdeslam from Belgium to France...
2 March 2016
Obtaining Foreign Evidence and Defending Against Extradition
Stéphane de Navacelle discuss on "Obtaining Foreign Evidence and Defending Against Extradition" in a panel moderated by Bruce Zagaris. The...
17 February 2016
France 24 – Sarkozy investigation
Stéphane de Navacelle answers France 24's questions about Nicolas Sarkozy's indictment in the Bygmalion case.
5 February 2016
France 24 – France constitutional reforms : Plan to strip terrorists of citizenship raises eyebrows
Stéphane de Navacelle answers France 24's questions on the constitutional reform depriving bi-nationals convicted of terrorism of their French nationality....
1 January 2016
World Bank Group Benchmarking Public Procurement report 2016
NAVACELLE contributor for France
1 January 2016
ABA Anti-Corruption Committee 2016
Stéphane de Navacelle nominated as vice-Chair in the International Anti-Corruption Committee of the ABA.
1 January 2016
American Bar Foundation
Stéphane de Navacelle appointed fellow in the American Bar Foundation.
1 January 2016
AIJA Executive committee
Stéphane de Navacelle elected for the Executive committee of the International Association of Young Lawyers.
21 December 2015
France 24 – Over a month of state of emergency in France
Stéphane de Navacelle provides an analysis one month into the state of emergency in France.
19 November 2015
France 24 – Paris attacks – State of emergency extended: what consequences?
Stéphane de Navacelle interviewed on the consequences of the vote by parliament of the law extending the state of emergency...
1 October 2015
France 24 – Paris Attacks: France extends state of emergency, giving police new powers
Stéphane de Navacelle interviewed on the implications of the passing of a law prolonging the state of emergency in France....
1 August 2015
Libor, Forex and other Financial Scandals
Stéphane de Navacelle co-author of the AIJA National Report.
4 June 2015
Anti-Corruption Reforms and Enforcement in Africa, There is Nowhere to Hide: Accountability is Knocking at...
Stéphane de Navacelle chairs a panel composed of John Coogan (International Finance Corporation, Washington, DC, USA), Graham Dawes, (Deloitte, Nairobi,...
1 May 2015
There Is More to it Than Just Applying the Rules: Challenges of Mutual Legal Assistance...
Stéphane de Navacelle intervenes at the ABA Section of international law Commision. The panelists will compare and highlight the differences...
27 March 2015
American civil procedure – Discovery, cornerstone of the Anglo-Saxon legal culture
Stéphane de Navacelle spoke at the Ecole nationale de la magistrature on American civil procedure, in particular the discovery procedure. ...
26 March 2015
Panorama of criminal procedure in the United States
Stéphane de Navacelle speaks at the Ecole nationale de la magistrature to present a general overview of American criminal procedure....
1 January 2015
Nomination American Bar Association Section of International Law
Stéphane de Navacelle appointed co-Chair of the International Criminal Law Committee, Vice-Chair of the Europe Committee and member of the...
5 December 2014
France Inter – International corruption
Stéphane de Navacelle interviewed on international corruption, public procurement and poor track record of international investors in Toulouse Airport.
23 October 2014
Do it the American way: The rise of plea bargaining, leniency agreements & criminal settlements...
Stéphane de Navacelle alongside Frederico Ramos (Immigration bureau of Argentina - Legal Director), Fabiola Emilin Rodrigues (Demarest Advogados - Partner),...
1 October 2014
Update on Anti-Corruption Developments in France
Stéphane de Navacelle reports on developments in French anti-corruption legislation in the ABA Section of International Law newsletter.
11 June 2014
Negotiated justice and impact on corporations: can they still resist the pressure?
Stéphane de Navacelle participated in a conference of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).
6 June 2014
Le Figaro – “BNP Paribas : why France does not understand the American decision”
Stéphane de Navacelle interviewed by Le Figaro concerning the fine imposed by U.S. authorities against BNP Paribas for violating commercial...
4 April 2014
What’s New in European Financial Sector Regulation!? An Introduction to the Latest EU and Swiss...
Stéphane de Navacelle chair the American Bar Association Section of International Law in New York, USA.
2 April 2014
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Intersection of Civil Law and Common Law Deposition...
"Stéphane de Navacelle intervenes on ""The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Intersection of Civil Law and Common Law Deposition...
1 November 2013
Report on the London meeting program “Letting Slip the Dogs of War: Using Civil and...
Stéphane de Navacelle contributes to the ABA Section of International Law Europe Committee newsletter "Remedies to Recover Stolen Assets”.
8 October 2013
Transparency International – Cross regional judiciary workshop
Stéphane de Navacelle participates at the Cross regional judiciary workshop for the Transparency International.
3 October 2013
A comparative view of the enforcement : market abuses
Stéphane de Navacelle, Eric Dezeuze (avocat associé, Bredin Prat, professeur associé à l’Université Paris V), Matthew Nunan (Head of Wholesale,...
1 August 2013
Appointment American Bar Association Section of International Law
Stéphane de Navacelle appointed Vice-Chair of the International Criminal Law Committee, Vice-Chair of the Europe Committee et member of the...
22 June 2013
How do countries legally limit legal auditor’s liability ?
Stéphane de Navacelle, Nicolas Bernardy, Brucher Thieltgen & Partners, Luxembourg, Annemarie van der Kruk, Simmons & Simmons, discuss on how...
23 April 2013
What’s in a name? That which we call a Notary, is it the same?
Stéphane de Navacelle, Juan Francisco Torres-Landa, Francesca Giannoni-Crystal,Hans-Michael Giessen and Patrick Del Duca discuss on the theme "What’s in a...
23 April 2013
Harmonization of EU laws: the Rocky Road of Integration on Finance, Privacy and Culture
Brief presentation of Directive 2003/6/CE on insider dealing and market manipulation (Market Abuse Directive - MAD).
8 April 2013
European Forum on Corporate Criminal Liability
Stéphane de Navacelle intervened at the European Forum on Corporate Criminal Liability in Surrey, United Kingdom.
22 February 2013
What’s new in the anticorruption world – practical advice
Highlight of a recent report, the OECD singled out France for its inaction in the area of foreign bribery and...
17 January 2013
Pathways to Employment in International Law Programs
Stéphane de Navacelle intervenes at the ABA Section of International Law and the "Ecole Française du barreau" in Paris, France ...
1 January 2013
The fight against corruption in France by Daphné Latour & Pierre-Edouard Gondran
Stéphane de Navacelle quoted in the “The fight against corruption in France” by Daphné Latour and Pierre-Edouard Gondran de Robert...
2 min
1 December 2012
White Collar Criminal Investigations and Proceedings in France and the U.S.
Stéphane de Navacelle co-author of ABA Section of International Law Europe Committee newsletter.
25 September 2012
White Collar Criminal Investigations and Proceedings in France and the U.S.
Stéphane de Navacelle moderated a panel composed of Frederick T. Davies, Didier Rebut and Nathalie Roret, seasoned in high profile...