#Anti-Bribery: Conviction of former Syrian Vice-President confirmed by the French Cour de cassation for money laundering and embezzlement.
On 7 September, 2022, the French Cour de cassation upheld the Paris Court of Appeal decision, convicting Rifaat Al-Assad for money laundering and embezzlement. The value of the confiscated assets should be returned to Syria in accordance with the mechanism for the restitution of assets fraudulently acquired by foreign leaders, adopted in 2021. > Read article
This intense legal battle over the extradition of Alexander Vinnik.
Alexander Vinnik, a Russian national prosecuted in cybercrime cases, has been at the center of an intense legal battle. After being convicted in France, he was trying to avoid extradition to the United States. > Read article
International Legal Developments 2021 in Review – American Bar Association
Navacelle co-author of the 2021 annual review of international legal developments of the American Bar Association International Law Section (ABA). > Read review
European arrest warrant: the CJEU shows little protection of the rights of the defense.
Is consistent with European Union law, the issuing authority’s failure to provide to the person sought under a European arrest warrant information about the reasons for the arrest and the right to challenge that decision. It even seems that European Union law requires the issuing authority not to provide this information, in order not to slow down the execution of the cooperation mechanism. > Read article
The therapeutic joint is not a right.
On 1 September, 2022, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) issued a decision Thörn v. Sweden in which it validated the fine imposed on the applicant, who remained severely disabled after an accident in 1994. The latter, for whom the painkillers prescribed by the doctors proved to be not very effective, chose to cultivate cannabis himself in order to ensure his personal consumption. He declares that his pains have faded and that he could, thanks to this, take up a full-time job. As this use is illegal in Sweden, he was sentenced to a 40-day fine. He invoked the disproportionate interference in his private life that his sentence entails, but this argument was not retained by the Court. > Read article