14 July 2019

Bastille Day Newsletter 2019

Happy 2019 Bastille Day! Lawyers at Navacelle thought you might be interested in reviewing a selection we made of noticeable French-related events in the fields of corporate criminal liability, criminal procedure and compliance over the past year, so we put together our Third Bastille Day Newsletter!


While lawmakers seem to have lost pace with technological progress and societal unfolding, enforcement is beyond comeback with lawyers and clients bracing for recurrent collisions between legal cultures, enforcement policies and political Hail Marys. More than ever, the unassuming bond of interpersonal trust will tie the legal profession together through deep waters which lie ahead.

We hope you will find some of what follows of use and will be happy to answer any inquiry you might have in Arabic, English, French, German, Portuguese or Spanish.

Best wishes,



Heroic stoicism: In troubled times not losing it is being heroic





Editor’s Note

Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Updates

  • MP provides PM with guidelines to reassert French and European Sovereignty and shied companies from the long arm of (US) law, Read analysis
  • Anticorruption Agency (AFA) and Financial Prosecutor (PNF) take a stance in favor of DPAs though Guidelines, Read analysis
  • Anti-corruption Authority (AFA) releases 2018 activity report – audits, guidance & more, Read analysis
  • May 22 PACTE Law strengthens French Competition Authority investigative powers, Read analysis
  • New law & executive orders increase the reach of tax offenses enforcement, Read analysis
  • Compliance monitorship by the French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA), Read analysis
  • A brief compare and contrast between European and French whistleblowing mechanisms & the EU Directive, Read analysis
  • French Labor law considerations when dealing with internal investigation, Read analysis

Enforcement / Court Decisions

  • Any individual with a role in a public procurement process can be held liable for favoritism, Supreme Court says, Read analysis
  • UBS sentence: lessons learned from the decision that made France a “B” – as in Billions – country, Read analysis
  • Carmignac to pay a 30 million euro fine to settle tax fraud prosecution, Read analysis
  • Société Générale DPA for violations of Cuban embargo – manipulation of the law in global economic warfare, Read analysis
  • Seizure of property that amounts to indirect and partial proceeds of the offence must be proportional, Read analysis
  • 3-liners on active matters, Read analysis

What’s Hot Beyond

  • Egypt hosts the first African anticorruption forum and toes the line, Read analysis
  • Francophone Institute on White Collar Crime and Compliance, Read analysis

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