Press review
8 July 2022

Press review – Week of 4 July 2022

In this press review, you will find two decisions of the French Court de cassation regarding criminal procedure with regards to sentencing as well as to the admissibility of an appeal by the occupier of a seized building. The press review also points out a focus on a decision by a French court insisting on freedom of the press, and in international news, on the arrest of two Russian scientists suspected of treason.


Revocation of conditional release: clarification on the competent judge

In a decision of June 15, 2022, the Court of Cassation clarified that in the event of a new conviction, the conditional release granted to the convict may be revoked by the Juge de l’application des peines, regardless of the sentence handed down, when the remaining period of detention is less than three years. (Cass. crim., 15 juin 2022, n°21-85.520). > Read article


Admissibility of the appeal lodged by the person having free disposal of the seized property

In a case involving criminal seizure of property on suspicion of corruption and embezzlement, the French court of Cassation declared admissible an appeal by the natural person having “free disposal” of the property (Crim. 9 June 2022, FS-B, No. 21-86.360), sole shareholder of the company that owned the property. > Read article


In Russia, two scientists arrested for high treason, one dies in prison

In Russia, two scientists have been arrested and placed in custody on charges of high treason. They were suspected of spying during lectures at an international conference in China. One of them died in a hospital in Moscow shortly after his arrest. > Read article


French State sentenced for the attempted search of Mediapart’s offices

On Wednesday, July 6, 2022, a French court in Nanterre condemned the French State for an attempted search conducted in 2019 in the premises of Mediapart, a well-known investigative media, in the context of the so-called “Benalla” case. The court found that the search was neither necessary nor proportionate to the objective pursued. Moreover, it constituted an interference with freedom of expression, all the more serious since a risk of infringement of the confidentiality of journalistic sources can only be conceived in exceptional circumstances. > Read article


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