26 December 2019

Concilium IBA

NAVACELLE has joined forces with 14 law firms to create an international alliance that serves multinational corporations in the areas of compliance, internal investigations, and enforcement defense: CONCILIUM Global Compliance, Investigations & Defense Network


NAVACELLE has joined forces with 14 law firms (Ana Belotto, Antenor Madruga, Mariana Tumbiolo Tosi from FeldensMadruga, Marcio Battilana Estigarribia from Preda Del Puerto & Associados, Benjamin Borsodi from Schellenberg Wittmer, Thomas Brandi, Kine Christophersen from Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA, Nathan Kaiser from J. Chan, Yip, So & Partners, Mark Morrison from Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Leonel Pereznieto Del Prado from Creel Garcia-Cuéllar Aiza y Enriquez, Sherbir Panag, Lavanyaa Chopra, Samudra Sarangi from Panag & Babu, Karl Sidhu from SvS Rechtsanwälte, Kyle Philips, Kritin Sundaram from FieldFisher, Tormod Tingstad from Kammeradvokaten / Poul Schmith, Janusz Tomczak from Raczkowski Paruch, Marynell DeVaughn, Adrian Jensen, David Simon, Olivia Singelmann, John Turlais, Rohan Virginkar, David Wise from Foley & Lardner, Oscar Tutasaura from Posse Herrera Ruiz) to create an international alliance that serves multinational corporations in the areas of compliance, internal investigations, and enforcement defense: CONCILIUM Global Compliance, Investigations & Defense Network.

The law firms in the Concilium Network provide trusted, proven sources of local knowledge and representation in the high-stakes, complicated, and constantly changing area of corporate compliance and defense law, offering their multinational corporate clients a trustworthy, efficient, and effective resource for identifying local legal representation, to solve collaboratively cross-border compliance, investigations, and defense challenges all over the world.

Please visit to learn more about this invaluable resource. Of course, you are welcome to contact me, or any of the members listed on the Concilium website, if you have questions or cross-border compliance issues.

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