International Commercial dispute

While global trade is constantly increasing, litigation resulting thereof must also be contemplated on a larger scale.

Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, such as mediation and international arbitration, are especially suitable in the context of international disputes. However, such disputes are still frequently referred to local domestic courts. Those disputes can give rise to specific issues, such as the competent court or the application of foreign laws.

The globalization of economic relations can cause evidentiary issues, notably related to the gathering of evidence by foreign courts or production of evidence in foreign proceedings (discovery). In that context, blocking statutes help preserve the data and know-how of companies.

With companies increasingly tied in global trade, insolvency can cause issues internationally and across several jurisdictions.

Ultimately, the international decision, will have to be recognized in the forum where its enforcement is sought. Recognition and enforcement measures require navigating complex internal rules.

Your challenges

Operating in a complex international legal environment

Identifying the adequate tools and procedures for resolving disputes

Whether domestically or internationally, companies seek to avoid disputes and are keen to engage in amicable discussions or mediation. If a settlement is impossible, procedural strategy will depend on the existence of an arbitration agreement or on the designation of competent courts.

Handling and managing your litigation proceedings efficiently

Judicial and arbitral proceedings, in France or abroad, are each subject to specific rules. Parties therefore need to rely on counsel that can handle those proceedings in order to ensure efficient resolution of their disputes.

Enforcing or overturning international decisions

The decision or arbitral award is only a milestone. This decision must then be recognized in relevant courts and be enforced. However, if a decision is unfavourable, legal remedies, such as appeals or setting-aside procedures, can be contemplated.

Identifying and recovering your assets, or protecting them

The international decision, enforceable in France or abroad, forms the basis for enforcement and recovery of assets. Identifying those assets and putting in place enforcement measures require specific strategies and procedures. This is also the case for protecting your assets from enforcement.

Our way

Full assistance to protect your interests

Tailor-made support from the outset of the international dispute

Litigation is not limited to appearing before a court or an arbitrator. We work to find efficient solutions adapted to your needs, from the early stages of the dispute in order to obtain an amicable solution or via mediation when applicable. If negotiation fails, we set up the appropriate strategies for your dispute.

A skill set tailored to your needs

We work closely with our clients to define their litigation strategy. We also rely on our network of trusted partners (foreign attorneys and experts) in order to offer our clients, the best and most complete legal support. Finally, our team, trained in France and abroad, multilingual and composed of attorneys qualified in Paris and New York can provide international advice and assistance.

Effective protection of your documents, data and know how against foreign document production requests

Our expertise in transnational commercial litigation, extraterritoriality of foreign laws and blocking statutes ensures that you are effectively protected against foreign requests that may infringe your data and know-how.

Proactive advocacy to recover your assets, or protect them

International asset recovery requires tailored strategies and specific identification and enforcement measures. It is also necessary to have underlying judgments and awards recognized to have them enforced. We assist you in those proceedings, whether for the recovery of your assets or their protection.

Clients' stories

How do you react when a foreign court orders the production of certain documents?

Foreign courts, such as English or American courts, can order French entities or entities having interests in France, party to civil proceedings to produce documents.
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How to extend an arbitration clause contained in a contract between two parties to a parent company?

A company party to a distribution agreement wishes to rely on an arbitration clause contained in the agreement against the parent company of its counterpart.
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How to draft an efficient arbitration clause?

A company seeks to include a model arbitration agreement in its suite of contracts to ensure efficient settlement of its potential disputes.
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How to rely on witness evidence in arbitral proceedings?

A company wishes to submit testimonies in support of its allegations in arbitral proceedings. It wishes that the witnesses to be presented to the arbitral tribunal be assisted in preparing statements and in the preparation of their examination at the hearing.
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How to obtain funding for an arbitral proceeding?

A company wishes to introduce an arbitral proceeding following the breach by its partner of its contractual obligations. It envisions using third-party funding in order to limit the amount the costs it will have to disburse.
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How to constitute an arbitral tribunal?

In having recourse to arbitration, the parties can refer their dispute to arbitrators with profiles suited to the dispute
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How to request the services of a Commissioner within the meaning of Article 17 of Chapter II of the Hague Convention?

Dealing with a request for discovery of information located in France in the context of a foreign procedure
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How to prepare for arbitration proceedings?

Following major political events, a company is forced to suspend the execution of its contract
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How to challenge an arbitral award?

After an arbitral award has been rendered, a party has identified irregularities and wishes to challenge it
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Accolades Navacelle
Stéphane de Navacelle once again in 2024 picked in
Compliance & Investigations
Sources say: "Stéphane de Navacelle's biggest strength is his ability to handle the technical legal aspects of corporate criminal investigations in France"
NAVACELLE recognized once again in 2024 in
Sources say: “A strong team which is able to deal with complex white-collar matters including those with a cross-border element.
The firm is very adaptable to changing circumstances and able to respond quickly to increases in workload requirements.
A very good sense of the overall strategy in any case.”
Navacelle once again identified in 2024
as one of the world's top 100 firms for
Julie Zorrilla recognized in 2023
as Global Leader in
NAVACELLE recognized once again in 2024 in
Litigation & Arbitration
“ Excellent ”
NAVACELLE recognized once again in 2024
identifed as one of the Tier 1 law firm in
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Julie Zorrilla selected in
Women in Investigations 2021 as
Stéphane de Navacelle recognized in 2023
as National Leader in

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