Press review
28 April 2023

Press review – Week of 24 April 2023

In this press review, the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) searched the premises of the Member of Parliament Pierre Morel-A-L’Huissier for suspicions of embezzlement of public funds, and Anticor filed a complaint against Nicolas Sarkozy, Claude Guéant, François de La Brosse, and the former Qatari prime minister Hamad Ben Jassem Al Thani. Also, the Constitutional Council rejected the priority question of constitutionality raised by Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti, the European Commission is investigating the luxury sector, and the Swiss bank Reyl has been fined 5.75 million euros.


Competition: The European Commission investigates in luxury goods sector

As part of a preliminary investigation of several companies in the fashion industry for alleged cartel and restrictive business practices in several European Union Member States, the European Commission inspectors searched the offices of several companies of the fashion industry, including a leather goods workshop of Gucci in Milan, on 19 April 2023. > Read article


Tax fraud: Swiss bank Reyl fined €5.75 million

On 18 April 2023, Swiss bank Reyl has been sentenced, as part of a plea deal, to a 5.75 million euro fine and its director, François Reyl, to a one-year suspended prison sentence and a 500,000 euro fine, for having participated with three other defendants, between 2009 and 2013, in a tax fraud laundering scheme. > Read article


The Member of Parliament Pierre Morel-A-L’Huissier under investigation for suspected misappropriation of public funds

The National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (“PNF”) searched the premises of Lozère Member of Parliament Pierre Morel-A-L’Huissier, of the centrist LIOT group, as part of an investigation into the misappropriation of public funds and embezzlement (abus de confiance). This follows a complaint lodged by Anticor in September 2022 for suspicions of reimbursement of fictitious mileage expenses between October 2019 and June 2022. > Read article


Awarding the World Cup to Qatar: Anticor files a complaint against Nicolas Sarkozy, Claude Guéant and the advertising executive François de La Brosse

On 7 April, Anticor filed a complaint with the PNF against Nicolas Sarkozy, Claude Guéant, François de La Brosse, as well as former Qatari Prime Minister Hamad Ben Jassem Al Thani, for alleged active and passive influence peddling, active and passive bribery of a foreign public official, criminal conspiracy, illegal financing of an electoral campaign and concealment. The facts related to a 2 million euro pre-contract with the Qatari company for the preparation of a WebTV whom Mr. de La Brosse allegedly benefited from and the purchase of Mr. de La Brosse’s ZNZ agency by for 8 million euros. > Read article


Searches at the Ministry of Justice: The Constitutional Council finds Eric Dupond-Moretti’s QPC “inoperative”

On 21 April 2023, the Constitutional Council rejected the priority question of constitutionality (“QPC”) raised by the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti, concerning the search of the premises of the Ministry of Justice on 1 July 2021 as part of the proceedings against him for illegal taking of interests. More specifically, the QPC asked whether the search did not contravene the separation of powers between the executive and the judiciary, a constitutional principle, and whether the legislator had failed in its duty by not providing for specific measures to regulate searches in ministries. > Read article


Interviews in the context of an internal investigation

The CY Paris University students came to meet the Navacelle team to discover the preparation and conduct of hearings in the framework of internal investigations. > Read article


Guide to Internal Investigations

Written by more than 40 experts around the world, this guide introduces readers to the complex and developing area of corporate internal investigations and uncovers a myriad of issues for additional legal consideration and advice. It considers the landscape and legal framework of eleven jurisdictions (United States of America, Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, India, China, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom) and provides a practical narration as to best practice in each.> Read article

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