3 questions for Stéphane de Navacelle
1. You have been appointed as “délégué du Bâtonnier de Paris à l’influence par le droit”, In this capacity, you were put in charge of organising, with the Paris Bar, the Paris Legal Makers. Can you tell us a little bit more about this event?
The Paris Legal Makers is an international event that will be hosted on 6 December 2021, at the Palais Brongniart, in Paris. Initiated by the Paris Bar Association and based on the model of the World Economic Forum in Davos, its goal is to provide a platform for debates and exchanges upon which international decision-makers will address major contemporary changes through the lenses of Law.
This is not a legal event created by lawyers for lawyers, as many already exist. This event will bring together prominent figures of the institutional, economic, legal and academic world so as to discuss the role of Law in the economic development, to raise awareness on strategic challenges and to anticipate their expectations.
2. How is the event organized and which major issues can we reasonably expect to see addressed?
In a post Covid era, it became apparent to us that the event should mainly be focused on the theme of Law as a leverage for economic growth. From that, we will cover four topics: economical, technological, societal, and environmental.
For each Thus, for each of these themes, round tables will be organized enabling a discussion between the legal, business, institutional and civil spheres. These discussions will cover topics ranging from attractiveness issues, stability, and security of investments to the protection of personal data and “Deep-Tech” opportunities but also challenges about the Great Climate Trials (“Les grands procès climatiques”).
Additionally, Workshops and Meet-ups will be organised to address a great number of issues. Workshops will have an interactive aspect and Meet-ups will allow us the organisation of meetings with our partners. The topics covered will vary between the hybridization of law and alternative dispute resolution, soft law and compliance, tax issues and wealth distribution through global taxation, or even the impact of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, diversity challenges, active shareholders, etc.
3. Why did you decide to approach these issues from a legal perspective?
The aim is to show that Law is the core of the major issues that challenge and occupy today’s decision-makers. Law enables us to regain a certain sovereignty. It plays an essential role in economic development and it is a real tool acting as a lever and not a constraint as many perceive it.
Moreover, Law is nowadays a tool at everyone’s disposal. Environmental challenges are the perfect illustration. Indeed, we notice that citizens use judicial proceedings to put pressure on legislators (i.e., the great Climate Trials)”. The law is also a real instrument in the fight against any excesses, as it is the case when it comes to the development of artificial intelligence.
Not to mention that Law is constantly evolving. It anticipates – or adapts – to the world surrounding us. Especially today, we no longer perceive the Law as a set of harsh “rules” nor do we consider disputes as being solely settled by tribunals.
Finally, Law permeates companies and seeks for a constant balance, notably through compliance, which can be found in all areas, the proliferation of soft laws, etc.
Not to mention that law is the right value to address these issues because it establishes a link between the different actors and gives a real place to the lawyer within the major decision makers.