The French data protection authority (“CNIL”) asserts its position on the deployment of augmented cameras in public space.
With the recent development of software for automated image processing coupled with cameras, the French data protection authority (“CNIL”) considers that the current French legal framework does not authorize the use, by public authorities, of such augmented cameras for the identification and prosecution of criminal offences. CNIL also recommends the adoption of a specific law authorizing such cameras and regulating their use, as it considers that the French Code de la sécurité intérieure is not yet adapted to this new technology. > Read article
Geolocation of rental vehicles: 175.000 euro penalty against UBEEQO INTERNATIONAL.
CNIL has controlled the company UBEEQO INTERNATIONAL whose activity is the rental of vehicles for a short period of time within the framework of its priority theme of control in 2020. During the audit, CNIL found that the company collected geolocation data of the rented vehicle every 500 meters, especially when the vehicle was in motion, and that it kept a history of some of the geolocation data collected for an excessive period of time. On the basis of these findings, it imposed a fine of 175.000 euros on the company, which was made public. > Read article
#Anti-Bribery and Corruption: The Defender of Rights, a “central institution for whistleblowers”.
Following the creation of the post of deputy for whistleblower support of the Defender of Rights in March 2022, Cécile Barrois de Sarigny, who currently occupies this function, gives details of her duties and comments the 21 March 2022 law as well as her 2021 activity report. > Read article
#Anti-Bribery and Corruption: The National Financial Prosecutor’s Office opens an investigation regarding Russian assets in France.
The NGO Transparency had filed a complaint with the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office for “money laundering, non-justification of resources, concealment and complicity in these three offenses” against Russian oligarchs close to the Kremlin in connection with real estate acquired in France. > Read article
#Compliance: “The “contentious compliance” strategy is central to Uber’s growth”
Uber’s strategy towards regulation is questioned. Researcher Jimena Valdez analyzes this notion of “contentious compliance”, which consists in complying with existing regulations, despite constantly fighting them. > Read article