Change that Matters
As lawyers, we serve the rule of law by assisting clients while holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards. Each member of the firm is encouraged to engage and serve the community as well as the contribute to the advancement of innovative thinking in law, ethics and the social contact. Below are a few examples.
Habib Sharifi Scholarship
Gondishapour is a non-profit, apolitical, non-religious, non-communitarian association under the French law of 1901, which works to encourage, develop and promote scientific, cultural and artistic creativity. It aims to be a free and flexible platform for exchange and interaction between multiple fields and disciplines where diverse and autonomous sensibilities are forged through different forms of experimentation.
Navacelle is a sponsor of the Habib Sharifi Scholarship which selects every year 4 young artists to be hosted for three months in residence at the Cité internationale Universitaire in Paris in favorable conditions for artistic creation with privileged access to studios on campus, coaching by professional composers, means of promotion and recording as well as a monthly grant of 600€.
Commission Reconnaissance et Réparation
Stéphane de Navacelle serves as member of the Commission Reconnaissance et Réparation, set up in November 2021 in the wake of the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the French Catholic Church (CIASE) report.
Paris Legal Makers
Paris Legal Makers is an international gathering entirely dedicated to law as a lever for economic growth, technological transformation, ecological and societal transitions. Stéphane de Navacelle, in its role as Bar President délégué for influence through law, leads the first edition which will take place on 6 December 2021 in Paris.
Rule of Law Webathon
Trinité Solidarité Charity
Trinité Solidarité Association’s goal is to serve the destitute and homeless Parisians since 1987. Hortense de Loppinot has been appointed member of the board of Trinité Solidarité Association and supervisor of the soup kitchen where 150 volunteers prepare an serve daily lunch.
Commission for the fight against abuse and the promotion of good treatment
Stéphane de Navacelle appointed member of the commission, which aims to promote well-treatment and to combat mistreatment and abuse, chaired by Alice Casagrande under the auspices of the French Ministry for health and solidarity.
Independent commission on sexual abuses inside the French Catholic Church (CIASE)
Stéphane de Navacelle appointed member of the commission, which aims to collect testimonies of victims of clerical abuse since 1950, and to examine sexual abuse committed against minors and vulnerable individuals, assess how the Church addressed the occurrences and issue recommendations.
The synthesis of the final report is available here.
Francophone Institute of White-Collar Crime and Compliance (IFDPAC)
IFDPAC aims at gathering worldwide publications addressing and highlighting increasingly global legal challenges. It is a multicultural and pluri-disciplinary platform where participants can exchange and engage. Navacelle supports the institute through human, material involvement and skills sponsorship.
A pas de louvat endowment fund
A pas de louvat ’s goal is to initiate, support and finance actions of public interest in the field of education, both in developing and in “developed” countries, to benefit children and teenagers, without any distinction of race, origin, culture or religion. Navacelle supports the endowment fund through human, material involvement and skills sponsorship.
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Coubertin Foundation
Stéphane de Navacelle appointed member of the board of the foundation which since 1949 aims to educate and support young craftmen and craftwomen in fine crafts through the alliance of “the Spririt” and “the Hand”, and to propose accommodation that allow them to develop their talents.