10 May 2022

Lawyers around the world – Webathon on the Rule of Law 2022

Stéphane de Navacelle participated to the second edition of the Rule of Law Webathon.


Following the success of the Rule of Law Webathon in May 2021, the second edition is organized on May 10th and 11th by AIJA – International Association of Young Lawyers – Human Rights Committee, Union Internationale des Avocats, American Bar Association International Law Section, The Law Society  and the Inter-American Bar Association.

Stéphane de Navacelle participated in the two roundtables below for this edition. See all our services to the community.


Business and Human Rights Developments: From the UN Principles to Due Diligence Laws

The panel will address the UN principles on Business and Human Rights, self-regulation policies and national plans, and the transition to due diligence legislation and the challenges on the implementation of the principles and the new legislation, compliance and enforcement issues, as well as the importance of a joint effort from both public sector and private sector in advancing those principles.

“In 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council endorsed the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, developed within the UN “Protect, Respect, and Remedy” framework. Guided by this framework, the panel will examine the important role of States and business enterprises in protecting human rights and upholding the Rule of Law, as well as the challenges in ensuring a right of access to effective remedies. The speakers will also explore the evolution from the UN Principles and self-regulation mechanisms to national due diligence laws, such as the novel French Duty of Vigilance Act passed in 2017 and the recently approved German Due Diligence Act, as well as the global impact of the EU’s approach.”

Wednesday 11th May, 07:00am (Paris Time)

Moderators  :

  • Lourdes Venes, Attorney-at-Law, Lima, New York, and District of Columbia Bar, IABA Secretary General
  • Stephane de Navacelle, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, Former Member of the Bar Council Member of the New York Bar ( Business and human rights)

Speakers :

  • Louis Buchman, Attorney-at-Law, Paris and New York Bar
  • Dante Pesce, Executive Director Vincular Center at PUCV-Chile, Member Working Group on Business and Human Rights for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Co-led the implementation of the UN Principles on Business and Human Rights.
  • Hanns-Christian Salger, Attorney-at-Law, Frankfurt and New York Bar.
  • Emily Sims, Senior Specialist in the ILO Program on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy.


Final Thoughts on Advancing Social and Economic Development by Promoting the Rule of Law

The closing session of this conference cycle will allow a number of dynamic speakers and organizations to review themes that emerge from the prior panels with concrete illustrations of actions, solutions and best practices. How to act to advance the Rule of Law? What is the role of lawyers and bar associations in this mission? How can we better cooperate at the national and international levels?

Wednesday 11th May, 1:00pm (Paris Time)

Moderator  :  Thierry Aballea, lawyer, chairman of the international commission of the Council of the Paris Bar, member of Paris Bar Council

Speakers :

  • Edmond-Claude Frety, lawyer, Former member of Paris Bar Council, member of the Human Rights Commission of the Paris Bar (Shelter program of the Paris Bar / mobilization program of the Paris Bar for Ukraine and Afghanistan/ Marianne Initiative for human rights defenders)
  • Stephane de Navacelle, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, Former Member of the Bar Council Member of the New York Bar ( Business and human rights)
  • Stefan von Raumer, Lawyer, member of the board of the Deutsche Anwaltsverein (DAV, German Bar Association), Chair of the Human Rights Committee with the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE).
  • Yann Aguila, Lawyer in environmental law (Global Pact for the environment, Global Pact Coalition – the role of lawyers in the public debate, to advance the environmental rule of law )

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