During this conference organised as part of the 3rd edition of the African International Arbitration Competition (Concours Africain d’Arbitrage International), by the Arbitration and Business Law Pole of the youth section of the African Academy for international law practise (Académie Africaine de la pratique du Droit -AAPDI), with the support of REAL (Racial Equality for Arbitration Lawyers), Professor Abdoulaye Sakho (EDGE Institute – School of Law, Management and Economics in Dakar), Doctor Valentin KPAKO (Magistrate, Teacher – Researcher in Benin) and Stéphane de Navacelle (Navacelle), will explore the way in which these two essential legal frameworks coexist and influence arbitration practices on the African continent from three main angles:
- OHADA arbitration law and the emergence of the FTAA: the current situation; by Professor Abdoulaye Sakho
- Commercial dispute resolution in the era of the FTAA: OHADA arbitration, an efficient model? ; by Stéphane de Navacelle
- The future of OHADA arbitration law in the light of the ZLECAF agreement ; by Doctor Valentin KPAKO
[Webinar] Arbitration & the cohabitation of the ZLECAF (African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement) and OHADA law
Friday 7 June 2024 ; 2:00pm – 3 :30pm (CET)
With :
- Professor Abdoulaye Sakho (Institut EDGE)
- Doctor Valentin KPAKO
- Stéphane de Navacelle (Navacelle)
> Registration (webinar in French)