#White collar crime: The drifts of the French deffered prosecution agreement mechanism
A critical review of the French deffered prosecution agreement by Sherpa association. > Read article
French Market Authority annual report: progress report on the #Supervision2022 strategy
The French Market Authority published its annual report for 2021 which suggests a number of areas for improvement such as emphasizing on sustainable investments and strengthening the European regulatory framework. > Read article
Signature of a new cooperation protocol between TRACFIN and the French Market Authority
The French Market Authority and TRACFIN anti-money laundering intelligence unit have signed a cooperation agreement to improve traceability and information exchange between the two entities. > Read article
From garbage containers to street surveillance, preliminary investigation is compatible with privacy
Regular, but not continuous, street surveillance in order to take pictures as part of a preliminary investigation, and seize a document in a garbage bag placed in a collective container, does not constitute an infringement of the right to privacy (Cass. crim., April 6, 2022, n° 21-84.092). > Read article
Agrasc reviews its reforms and requests additional ones
On the occasion of Agrasc’s 10th anniversary, whose mission is to seize property in criminal matters, the public institution requested recommendations to improve civil parties compensation and increase the number of sales by removing, for example, the obstacle related to the suspensive nature of the appeal procedure. > Read article
Territorial application of French criminal law in case of indivisible facts
In this case, the French Supreme Court reaffirmed that French authorities are competent in case of indivisble facts committed on French territory, even if the offence was committed abroad by a foreigner (Cass. crim., April 12, 2022, n° 22-80.632). > Read article
Marseille: a 60,000 euro fine for sulfur pollution
An environmental French deferred prosecution agreement was signed and validated between the judicial authority and a company operating within the Marseille basin following the use of a fuel that did not comply with the legislation regarding its sulfur content. > Read article
Éric Dupond-Moretti maintained at the Chancellery with a conditional stay
Lawyer Éric Dupond-Moretti is again appointed Minister of Justice within Elisabeth Borne’s government. > Read article