Press review
26 January 2024

Press review – Week of 22 January 2024

This week’s press review highlights Amazon’s 32 million euro fine by a French administrative authority for the monitoring of its employees, the creation of a new chamber in the Paris Court of appeal dedicated to emerging disputes regarding due diligence and environmental accountability, the fine imposed on Société Générale for unwarranted commissions and the latest developments in the favoritism allegations against former minister Olivier Dussopt.


#Ethics & Compliance : Amazon France Logistics fined 32 million euros by French administrative authority for “workers surveillance”

The French subsidiary of Amazon has been sentenced on the 27 of December 2023 to a 32 million euros fine by a French administrative authority (Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés) on the basis of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The administrative authority considered that the company surveillance was excessive, leading the workers to justify every interruption of their work and therefore imposing on them a never-ending pressure. Amazon expressed strong disagreement with the decision, considering the litigious practices as common in this business sector and necessary for its activities. The company has until 27 of February to file an appeal. > Read article


Due diligence: creation of a new chamber in the Paris Court of appeal

The Paris Court of Appeal has just created a new chamber, designated as 5-12, within its economic section, focused on the emerging areas of litigation related to due diligence and environmental responsibility. The chamber, under the presidency of Madame Marie-Christine Hébert-Pageot, will become operational at the beginning of 2024. It will handle all appeals formed against decisions of the judicial court (first degree court) regarding articles L. 225-102-4 and L. 225-102-5 of the French business Code and the CSRD European directive recently transposed into French law. > Read article


#White collar crime : Société Générale fined 4.5 million euros for “unjustified” commissions

On Monday January 25, as part of an agreement with the Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes (DGCCRF), Société Générale agreed to pay a fine of 4.5 million euros (DGCCRF). The DGCCRF’s investigation revealed misleading commercial practices, with the bank charging unjustified intervention fees. Societe Generale explains that all customers will be reimbursed, and that these practices are the result of a computer configuration error, which it has taken steps to remedy. > Read article


The National Financial Prosecutor’s Office is appealing the acquittal of former minister Olivier Dussopt

The National Financial Prosecutor’s Office, given a ten-day period to challenge the ruling, has exercised its right to appeal. Olivier Dussopt, who was pursued for favoritism in awarding a public contract while still serving as mayor, had his acquittal in the first instance appealed by the National Financial Prosecutor on January 24th. The former Minister of Labor had indeed been acquitted on January 17th of the favoritism charges against him. The appeal procedure is motivated by “legal questions regarding the offense of favoritism,” according to the financial public prosecutor. his development marks a new phase in the ongoing legal saga. > Read article

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