Stéphane de Navacelle spoke on Friday 21 October 2022, from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Brussels, during the training session organised by the Délégation des Barreaux de France, on the theme of “Companies and human rights – European perspectives”.
Theme 1 – The EU and business: an increased responsibility
9h55-10h20 Companies and human rights issues by Sandra COSSART, Director of Sherpa France
10h30-10h55 The European Union and CSR rules: a movement that is accelerating by Jean Marc GOLLIER, Lawyer at the Brussels Bar, Chairman of the CCBE Environment Committee
10h55-11h55 The draft directive on the duty of care by Lucrezia BUSA, Public Policy Officer, Member of Didier Reynders’ Cabinet, DG Justice, European Commission; and Pedro OLIVEIRA, Director of Legal Affairs, BusinessEurope
12h10-12h35 Corporate liability for environmental law violations by Alexandre MOUSTARDIER, Lawyer at the Paris Bar
12h35-13h00 The EU sanctions regime for human rights violations by Alina NEDEA, Head of Sanctions Unit, DG FISMA (FISMA E.5), European Commission
Theme 2 – How do companies cope with their new obligations?
14h15-15h20 Compliance actors
- Compliance officers by Lydia MEZIANI, Compliance, Human Rights and Ethics Legal Director, Nestlé France
- The development of internal investigations by Stéphane de NAVACELLE, Lawyer at the Paris Bar
15h20-15h45 The challenges of controlling the production chain in an international environment by Maxime BELINGHERI, Human Rights Manager, L’Oréal – Corporate Social Responsibility Department
15h45-16h10 The lawyer as an economic player: what impact for the legal profession and law firms? by Marion COUFFIGNAL, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, President of the CNB Law and Business Commission
Theme 3 – Human rights and companies: a challenge for European sovereignty
16h20-16h45 Are or will companies be the armed arm of the EU’s strategic compass? by Jan DUNIN-WASOWICZ, Lawyer at the Paris Bar
16h45-17h15 Extra-financial reporting: a model to follow? by Pascal DURAND, Member of the European Parliament, rapporteur on the directive on the publication of sustainability information by companies