White collar crime

White collar crime requires companies and their directors the respect of numerous standards in the course of their economic activity.

As a field subject to a constantly evolving legislative framework, white collar crime constitutes a major risk for economic operators and their directors. Indeed, the lack of respect for the standards imposed in business life exposes the latter to the risk of criminal liability

Criminal law covers numerous sectors inherent to business and notably punishes offenses against probity such as corruption, money laundering and financing of terrorism, fraud, abuse of corporate assets, offences against competition and consumer law, tax crime, financial crime, customs offenses, labour related offenses as well as other new emerging sectors such as cybercrime or environmental criminal law.

In addition to the national standards companies’ international activities must comply with foreign legislation with extraterritorial effect (FCPA / FATCA / UKBA) as well as with regulations on international sanctions and export control.

These standards cover nearly all areas of business and evolve rapidly, so the risks of non-compliance and sanctions are very present and can have serious consequences for companies.

Your challenges

Preventing the criminal risk to which the company and its directors are exposed.

Conducting economic activity in compliance with criminal legislation

The company must comply with all domestic and international criminal legislation withing the framework of its activities, otherwise significant penalties may be imposed on it and its directors.

Identifying criminal risks to which the company is exposed

The company must identify all the risks inherent to its activity at the domestic and international level, in order to anticipate potential criminal liability.

Establish internal procedures to ensure that activities are conducted in accordance with criminal law

The implementation of internal procedures for the prevention of criminal risks is necessary to enable the company to operate safely.

Response to criminal prosecutions

When prosecuted by judicial authorities, both national and foreign, the company must ensure its criminal defense and that of its executives effectively, to avoid a conviction whose effects are often devastating, both financially and in terms of reputation.

Our way

Supporting, advising and defending the company and its directors in the event of criminal liability arising from their activities.

A thorough knowledge of national and international criminal legislations applicable to companies

We have extensive experience in the field of white-collar defense, both under French law and under the main foreign extraterritorial laws. For the latter, we work with a network of specialized experts.

The expertise required to assess the company's risks in criminal matters

Our team of lawyers is able to carry out an in-depth and personalized assessment of all the criminal risks the company and its directors are exposed to.

Implementation of a program to prevent the criminal risks to which the company and its directors are exposed

We assist in the implementation or improvement of prevention of criminal risk in collaboration with the client in order to prevent all risks inherent to the company's activities.

Establishing an effective criminal defense strategy in case of criminal prosecution

We assist our clients in the event of criminal proceedings by establishing, from the outset of the case, a defense strategy adapted to each situation and capable of preserving the interests of the company and its executives.

A strong experience in advising our clients at each stage of the criminal proceedings

We advise our clients throughout the criminal proceedings by providing advice and expertise in light of the circumstances of the case and by preparing them for each stage of the case: hearings, interviews by the investigators, hearings before the courts or even negotiations with the authorities.

A personalized response to our clients’ expectations

We are committed to an attentive and personalized follow-up of the progress of the case of our clients in order to develop and maintain a good communication, with the sole objective of offering them the best chances of success.

Clients' stories

How to best carry out a corruption risk mapping?

Following the discovery of facts likely to qualify as corruption, a company decides to update its corruption risk mapping to ensure the non-recurrence of these acts and its compliance program effectiveness.
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How to distinguish between illegal lending of manpower and subcontracting?

In addition to the company’s liability, liability of the director for illicit lending of manpower
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What position to adopt with prosecuting authorities in response to allegations of corruption?

Multi-jurisdictional investigation with concurrent jurisdiction and international criminal cooperation between the prosecution authorities regarding allegations of corruption
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How to prepare your defense in the event of a tax fraud prosecution?

Preliminary investigation opened for tax fraud in the wake of a tax audit revealing a concealment of part of the amounts subject to tax.
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How should one respond to the introduction of a criminal investigation and to intrusive investigative acts?

Searches of company premises following the opening of an investigation for breach of trust and tax money laundering
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How to defend oneself from illegal banking solicitation?

Proceedings opened against a Swiss banking institution for illegal solicitation in France.
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« You can not mearly take into consideration facts which may be uncovered by an investigation but be ready to account for the situation of an employee, executive or company as a whole »
Stéphane de Navacelle
Accolades Navacelle
Stéphane de Navacelle once again in 2024 picked in
Compliance & Investigations
Sources say: "Stéphane de Navacelle's biggest strength is his ability to handle the technical legal aspects of corporate criminal investigations in France"
NAVACELLE recognized once again in 2024 in
Sources say: “A strong team which is able to deal with complex white-collar matters including those with a cross-border element.
The firm is very adaptable to changing circumstances and able to respond quickly to increases in workload requirements.
A very good sense of the overall strategy in any case.”
Navacelle once again identified in 2024
as one of the world's top 100 firms for
Julie Zorrilla recognized in 2023
as Global Leader in
NAVACELLE recognized once again in 2024 in
Litigation & Arbitration
“ Excellent ”
NAVACELLE recognized once again in 2024
identifed as one of the Tier 1 law firm in
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Julie Zorrilla selected in
Women in Investigations 2021 as
Stéphane de Navacelle recognized in 2023
as National Leader in

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Overview of 2024: White collar crime
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Judicial public interest agreements (CJIP)
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