Stéphane de Navacelle
Stéphane de Navacelle
Phone / +33 1 48 78 76 78
Languages / French, English

Latest news and insights

from Stéphane de Navacelle

14 July 2024
Bastille Day Newsletter 2024
As they do every year on 14 July, Navacelle's lawyers offer you a selection of noticeable events which occurred in...
19 June 2024
Compliance and forensic investigations: optimising how companies, lawyers and forensic professionals work together
Grant Thornton France invited Stéphane de Navacelle to take part in a panel with Jean-Marie Pivard (Publicis Groupe), Jennifer Fiddian-Green...
2 min
19 June 2024
Discussion on harassment prevention and exposure
Invited by Colas Rail, Stéphane de Navacelle discussed with 100+ group top managers during their Management Committee 2024, on 19 June 2024.
2 min
13 June 2024
Future prospects for International Anti-Corruption Court
A panel held during the 20th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference hosted at the OECD in Paris.
5 June 2024
Update on Sanctions Litigation, Arbitration, and Enforcement – with EU, French and Swiss perspectives
A panel held on 5 June 2024 in Berlin, during the C5's European Forum on Global Economic Sanctions.
5 June 2024
Arbitration & the cohabitation of the ZLECAF and OHADA law
A webinar, in French, organised as part of the 3rd edition of the African International Arbitration Competition by the Arbitration...
3 June 2024
Internal investigations by lawyers: how to approach labor & criminal law issues?
An animated debate on benefits brought by investigating lawyers on criminal or labor law investigations, i.e. independence, secret protection, confidentiality...
1 min
16 May 2024
Anticorruption initiatives in Latin America: Lessons from the last decade (webinar)
To contribute to the Latin America and Caribbean Weeks event, organised by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs...
13 May 2024
Dassault Aviation – 1st Ethics Day
Dassault Aviation invited Stéphane de Navacelle to take part in its Ethics day, dedicated to anti-corruption programs and duty of...
1 April 2024
The Validity of Arbitral Awards and the Public Policy Nature of International Sanctions
This article by Stéphane de Navacelle, Julie Zorrilla and Gregory Arnoult, is part of the Transnational Dispute Management (TDM) Special...
11 March 2024
Webinar: The role of the investigating lawyer (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla discussed the role of the investigating lawyer during the Paris Bar's Entrepreneurial Bar training...
25 January 2024
Internal investigation and data collection
EFB Degree - Internal investigation Internal investigation and data collection: In many respects, data collection is crucial in conducting an internal...
15 January 2024
Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations (2024) – GIR
NAVACELLE co-author of the eighth edition of Global Investigations Review’s Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations.
20231214 RC Partner
15 December 2023
Navacelle promotes Roxane Castro to Partner
Navacelle is delighted to announce that Roxane Castro has been promoted as Partner.
13 December 2023
Top 20 lawyers’ LinkedIn accounts to follow – La Lettre des juristes d’affaires
Stéphane de Navacelle selected among the top 20 lawyers’ LinkedIn accounts to follow by in-house specialized French magazine La lettre...
75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights conference
10 December 2023
75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The American Bar Association International Law Section and the Paris Bar organized on December 7th 2023, a 75th anniversary of...
Colloque CNB médiation, compliance & vigilance
30 November 2023
Mediation vs compliance and vigilance duties roundtable
Stéphane de Navacelle took part in a Compliance, vigilance and mediation seminar on Novembre 30, 2023.
Formation EFB Navacelle - Session 3/10
23 November 2023
Defining the scope of the internal investigation: internal investigation sources and the investigation plan
EFB Degree - Internal investigation What criteria need to be considered when deciding whether to carry out an internal investigation? Should...
ABA International Law Section
21 November 2023
Practical tips when dealing with corruption allegations in arbitration
Navacelle contributes to the American Bar Association International Arbitration Committee's Quarterly Newsletter (Q3 2023).
Revue Justice Actualités #28
13 November 2023
Internal Investigation and Negotiated Justice
Can internal investigation be used to negotiate the investigation phase with prosecuting authorities? An article, by Guillaume Daïeff, Stéphane de Navacelle...
GIR Guide to Sanctions - Navacelle 2023
8 November 2023
The Guide to Sanctions (2023) – GIR
Navacelle co-author of the fourth edition of the Global Investigation Review's Guide to Sanctions.
Cambridge Forum 2023 - Roma
19 October 2023
Corruption in International arbitration: Are allegations of corruption a way out of International arbitration claims?
Stéphane de Navacelle contributed to the Global Forum on Corporate Criminal Liability for Cambridge Forums on corruption allegations versus arbitral...
EFB Degree - Internal investigation
19 October 2023
Internal investigation : Relationship between the lawyer-investigator and his client
EFB Degree - Internal investigation How should attorney-client privilege be applied? What is the relationship with the client? What resources should...
29 September 2023
Professional training course on internal investigations – École de Formation du Barreau
When and how should an internal investigation be carried out? In what context? What is your role as a lawyer?...
16 August 2023
France mulls privilege protections for in-house legal advice
French lawyers said the proposed legislation would give French companies greater protections from evidence-gathering requests sent by foreign regulators.
14 July 2023
Overview of arbitration case law
French case law rendered this past year has notably addressed the enforcement regime against assets frozen because of international sanctions,...
14 July 2023
Clarification of the ne bis in idem principle under European Union law with regard to...
On 22 March 2023, the criminal division of the French Court of Cassation has issued a ruling by which it...
14 July 2023
TotalEnergie and Suez Group’s decisions clarify the companies’ duty of care obligations and the...
The decisions rendered on 28 February 2023 and 1 June 2023 by the Paris Judicial Tribunal, which has exclusive jurisdiction...
Bastille day newsletter 2023
14 July 2023
Bastille Day Newsletter 2023
On this 14th of July, lawyers at Navacelle offer you, as it does every year, a selection of noticeable events...
La bataille d'Airbus
21 June 2023
The battle for Airbus
In 2023, the aeronautic giant was prosecuted by US, French and UK authorities for suspected corrupt payments.
DPA ABA 2023
26 April 2023
Deferred Prosecution Agreements and how much do they shield from litigation and arbitration?
During the American Bar Association International Law Section 2023 conference, Stéphane de Navacelle will discuss Corporate criminal liability frameworks which...
Guide to Corporate Internal Investigations
21 April 2023
Guide to Corporate Internal Investigations by the American Bar Association
Julie Zorrilla and Stéphane de Navacelle contribute to the International Guide to Corporate Internal Investigations by the American Bar Association....
29 March 2023
Protected: Addressing Corruption Allegations in Arbitration Disputes – France
This Q&A aims at providing a comprehensive understanding of how different countries handle allegations of corruption in the course of...
29 March 2023
Arbitration between Alstom & ABL: the Versailles Court of Appeal confirms the exequatur on 14 March 2023
Following a lengthy legal battle between Alstom and ABL, the Versailles Court of Appeal approved the 30 March 2016,...
How to collect evidence and conduct interviews
6 February 2023
How to collect evidence and conduct interviews?
Learn about the different stages and aspects of an effective internal investigation that respects the legitimate interests of those involved:...
2 February 2023
ICC Mexico – Sapin II and France’s efforts to tackle corruption
Stéphane de Navacelle was invited by the ICC of México to talk about the Sapin II law and France's efforts...
CERAS - Violence, symptom or system
30 January 2023
“Violence, symptom or system? Naming, confronting, overcoming”.
Discover Stéphane de Navacelle's testimony during the annual session of the Ceras - Centre de Recherches et d'Actions Sociales.
Roxane Castro
26 January 2023
Navacelle strengthens its regulatory litigation practice with the arrival of Roxane Castro
With an international culture and a multidisciplinary team led by Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla, Navacelle continues to develop...
25 January 2023
Overview of the AFA’s survey regarding French companies’ anti-corruption systems
On 30 September 2022, the French Anti-Corruption Agency published the results of its second survey of French companies’ anti-corruption systems....
24 January 2023
Sanctioning obstructions to AMF investigations: Update from the Constitutional Court in its decision of 28 January 2022
On 28 January 2022, the Constitutional Court ruled that Article L. 621-15, II, f of the Monetary and Financial Code...
The Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations - 7th Edition
21 January 2023
Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations (2023) – GIR
NAVACELLE co-author of the seventh edition of Global Investigations Review’s Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations.
The fundamental rights of the company - AIJA
12 January 2023
[Roundtable] The fundamental rights of the company
Stéphane de Navacelle participated in the French-speaking conference on fundamental rights in business organised by AIJA on Friday 13 January 2023.
Ifaci demain en main - vignette
24 November 2022
Roundtable – Allegations – Investigations : The edges of tomorrow
Stéphane de Navacelle participated in IFACI's annual conference: "Demain en mains" on the theme "Allegations - Investigations : The edges...
16 November 2022
Cambridge Forum: Mutual legal assistance has gone rogue!
Why bother with MLATs when local law is global and prosecutors trade information on WhatsApp ?
9 November 2022
Webinar: A comparative approach to professional secrecy and attorney-client privilege in criminal proceedings
Stéphane de Navacelle spoke at the Mondaq and Monfrini Bitton Klein webinar on "professional secrecy and attorney-client privilege in criminal...
28 October 2022
Panel – Human rights and criminal prosecution in an ESG world
Stéphane de Navacelle participated as moderator at the IBA Annual Conference in Miami on Human rights and criminal prosecution in...
21 October 2022
Addressing corruption allegations in international commercial arbitration and investment arbitration
Neither investment arbitration or international commercial arbitration are isolated from the phenomenon of corruption as a repeated but globally sanctioned...
Délégation des Barreaux de France
13 October 2022
Formation – Companies and Human Rights: European Perspectives
Stéphane de Navacelle participated in the seminar on companies and human rights organised by the Délégation des Barreaux de France. ...
6 October 2022
Jurisdiction and powers of international arbitral tribunals when dealing with allegations of corruption
Stéphane de Navacelle and Juliette Musso discuss the issues of jurisdiction and powers of international arbitrators when faced with allegations...
How to successfully conduct an investigation
8 September 2022
Webinar: How to successfully conduct an investigation?
Stéphane de Navacelle spoke at the EQS webinar on "Internal investigation in companies: our advice for successfully conduct an investigation!"...
International Criminal Law, International Courts, and Judicial Affairs - ABA
5 September 2022
International Legal Developments 2021 in Review – American Bar Association
Navacelle co-author of the 2021 annual review of international legal developments of the American Bar Association International Law Section (ABA).
Homologation of a CRPC in the absence of a misuse of powers by the judge
14 July 2022
Homologation of a guilty-plea procedure: no appeal is possible against a decision of denied in...
The criminal division of the Court of Cassation has stated that a judge’s refusal to approve a second sentence proposed...
transfer of criminal liability following a merger or acquisition
14 July 2022
Transfer of criminal liability following a merger or acquisition
In a ruling of April 13, 2022, the Court clarified the nature of the control that must be performed by...
Lobbying : Declaration obligations of interest representatives in France
14 July 2022
Lobbying: Declaration obligations of interest representatives in France
Highlight on the disclosure obligations imposed on interest representatives in France, as provided for by Law 2013-907 of October 11,...
25 April 2022
A global trend: The introduction of Deferred Prosecution Agreement regimes across the World
Stéphane de Navacelle spoke at the International Law Section Annual Conference hosted by the American Bar Association.
Corporate criminal liability under french law - a decade of dramatic change
19 April 2022
Corporate criminal liability under French law, a decade of dramatic change
Introduction of the french law in the journal of Japanese Institute of International Business Law about corporate criminal liability in...
The conduct of hearing in the context of an internal investigation
24 March 2022
The conduct of hearing in the context of an internal investigation
Julie Zorrilla and Stéphane de Navacelle shared about the difficulties involved in conducting interviews with the Cergy Pontoise University Business...
When arbitration and compliance meet up analysis of their first interplay
23 March 2022
When arbitration and compliance meet up: analysis of their first interplay
The interaction between arbitration and compliance deserves to be examined. Indeed, more and more questions are being asked as to...
ABA - 37th annual National institute on White collar crime
28 February 2022
International white collar crime during the last decade and what the future holds
Stéphane de Navacelle spoke at the 37th National Institute on White Collar Crime hosted by the American Bar Association and...
15 February 2022
Anti-corruption and international risk perspectives from recent developments in France
Focus on the current anti-corruption landscape in France, whose historical reputation for less aggressive enforcement has recently given way to...
28 January 2022
Health Care Compliance Check-up : France
Key regulatory and compliance considerations in France, especially about risks in compliance for health care and life sciences companies.
The Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations - 6th edition
26 January 2022
Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations (2022) – GIR
NAVACELLE co-author of the sixth edition of the Global Investigations Review’s Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations.
Corporate criminal & compliance liability in France
20 January 2022
Corporate criminal & compliance liability in France
Stéphane de Navacelle and Pierre Calderan discuss about corporate criminal & compliance liability in France over a decade of dramatic...
17 January 2022
IBA statement in defense of the principle of lawyer-client confidentiality
Stéphane de Navacelle contributes to the International Bar Association statement in defense of the principle of lawyer-client confidentiality.
21 December 2021
Extraterritoriality of law : What are the challenges ? (in French)
In recent years, in a context of globalisation, the extraterritoriality of law has taken on a new economic and geopolitical...
Paris Legal Makers 2021
13 December 2021
Nothing will stop the (Paris) Legal Makers !
On Monday 6 December, nearly 1,000 French, European and international legal decision-makers gathered at the Palais Brongniart in Paris to...
9 December 2021
ICC Mexico – Sapin II and France’s efforts to tackle corruption
Julie Zorrilla and Stéphane de Navacelle were invited by the ICC of México to talk about the Sapin II law...
3 December 2021
What is the Paris Legal Makers ? (In French)
Interview of Stéphane de Navacelle conducted by Aude Dorange for the newspaper Village de la Justice.
29 November 2021
Three questions on Paris Legal Makers (In French)
Three questions to Stéphane de Navacelle, delegate of the President of the Paris Bar for the influence through law, on...
Paris Legal Makers Affiches parisiennes Navacelle
8 November 2021
Paris Legal Makers : the law, as a lever for economic growth, ecological transition, digital...
Interview of Stéphane de Navacelle conducted by Boris Stoykov for the newspaper Affiches parisiennes.
4 November 2021
Reasons to ask a lawyer to conduct an internal investigation
Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla answer Journal du Village de la Justice on the value of hiring a lawyer...
21 October 2021
How to prevent and deal with psychosocial risks: focus on the internal investigation and the...
Stéphane de Navacelle participates in the workshop on internal investigations at the États Généraux du Droit Social organised by the...
18 October 2021
« Paris must be seen as a key legal capital»
Interview of Stéphane de Navacelle conducted by Delphine Bauer for the newspaper Les petites affiches
French duty of care
3 September 2021
The European Parliament Lays the Foundations of a Corporate Due Diligence and Corporate Accountability
Julie Zorrilla, Thomas Lapierre and Stéphane de Navacelle, highlight for the International Bar Association anticorrpution news, the adoption on 10...
14 July 2021
Bastille Day Newsletter 2021
Happy 2021 Bastille Day! Lawyers at Navacelle thought you might be interested in reviewing a selection we made of noticeable events which...
16 June 2021
Investigations: what future? (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla discuss the future of investigations for Village de la Justice.
21 May 2021
White paper on Investigations in criminal matters (in French)
The practice of investigation by the lawyer has become an essential element of a new form of criminal defence in...
20 April 2021
Recent developments on corporate criminal liability in France and EU legal cooperation in cross border...
Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla spoke on successor company corporate criminal liability, Plea Bargaining and DPAs in France as...
14 April 2021
The Risks of Individual Guilty Pleas in France
Key advice for professionals when contemplating a guilty plea procedure in France in the Anti-Corruption report.
10 March 2021
NAVACELLE adopts Theolex AI solution
Navacelle adopts Theolex, a French legaltech startup that uses artificial intelligence (“AI”). Their solution is a transformative legal technology that...
8 March 2021
Navacelle co-authors GIR of the Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations – 5th edition
NAVACELLE co-authors the French chapter of the fifth edition of Global Investigations Review’s Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations.
20 January 2021
Anti-corruption developments in jurisdictions around the world
International Bar Association Asset Recovery and Anti-Corruption Committees invited anti-corruption experts from around the world to meet in Paris to...
11 January 2021
Trump Impeachment procedure
Stéphane de Navacelle answers Mariam Pirzadeh questions on the US impeachment procedure.
7 January 2021
Plea Bargaining and Deferred Prosecution Agreements in France
The French mechanisms for deferred prosecution agreements and plea bargaining, for the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC).
10 December 2020
International Bar Association – Cloud computing and the challenges facing professional secrecy
Stéphane de Navacelle, Clémentine Duverne and Sarah Reilly contributors to the International Bar Association Alternative and New Law Business Structures...
8 December 2020
Criminal liability of the acquiring company for acts committed by the acquired company prior to...
Recent overturn of the French Cour de cassation case law regarding the criminal liability of the acquiring company for acts...
19 November 2020
INSEAD Program : Healthcare Compliance Implementation Leadership 2020
Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla invited by Craig Smith (Chaired Professor of Ethics & Social Responsibility) to share best...
24 September 2020
Contribution to the Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires n°28 – professional secrecy today (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle quoted by Anne Portmann in the Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires – French Corporate law weekly – about...
14 September 2020
Paris Bar Bulletin on Internal investigations : « Knowledge without conscience is but the ruin...
Stéphane de Navacelle, former member of Paris Bar Council, regroups Béatrice Brugués-Reix (Dentons), Thomas Baudesson (Clifford Chance Paris) and Edmond-Claude...
9 July 2020
Can lawyers become their clients’ whistleblowers? – Joint reflection in Les Echos (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle along with former Bar Presidents Bâtonniers Christian Charrière-Bournazelle, Jacques Taquet and Basile Ader publishes an opinion in...
8 July 2020
French criminal law in the face of Covid-19 – Navacelle for the ABA
Stéphane de Navacelle, Clémentine Duverne and Princessa Fouda co-authors of “Recent developments in criminal law in France amidst the Coronavirus...
19 June 2020
“Professional secrecy vs. Legal privilege” – by Stéphane de Navacelle, delegate of the French Bars...
Stéphane de Navacelle author of the June 2020 Expert’s advice on “Secret professionnel versus legal privilege” from the Delegation of...
17 June 2020
Interview of Stéphane de Navacelle on the latest white-collar law developments in France in Observatoire...
Stéphane de Navacelle interviewed by the French Observatoire de la Justice Pénale on the latest news regarding white collar crime...
29 May 2020
Environmental compliance, an increasingly relevant subject in France – Navacelle for the IBA
Environmental compliance in absence of a general framework and effective criminal environmental law and enforcement tools ahead of the extension...
20 April 2020
Internal investigations lead by lawyers: a new take at white-collar crime? (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle and Julie Zorrilla co-authors of an article in Revue Lamy Droit des Affaires (Wolters Kluwer France) regarding...
15 April 2020
Presentation “The internal investigation by lawyers” in Live Facebook
Stéphane de Navacelle presents – with moderators Bar Council (Conseil de l’Ordre) members Hirbod Dehghani-Azar and Yannick Sala – as...
9 April 2020
AFA awaits results of enquiry by independent auditor
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses review of French Anticorruption Agency (Agence Française Anticorruption) by the French Cour des comptes with Global...
20 March 2020
Navacelle co-authors GIR of the Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations – 4th edition
Clémentine Duverne, Julie Zorrilla and Stéphane de Navacelle co-author the French chapter of the fourth edition of Global Investigations Review’s Practitioner’s...
13 February 2020
Navacelle promotes Clémentine Duverne and Julie Zorrilla to Partner
NAVACELLE is delighted to announce that Clémentine Duverne and Julie Zorrilla have been promoted as Partners.
20 December 2019
Report on the interests at play in relation to the status and the role of...
Stéphane de Navacelle, co-author with Paris Bar immediate past Vice-President Basile Ader (August Debouzy) and contributors Thomas Baudesson (Clifford Chance)...
6 December 2019
INSEAD : best practices for internal investigations 2019
Stéphane de Navacelle et Julie Zorrilla invited by Craig Smith (Chaired Professor of Ethics and Social Responsibility) at INSEAD Healthcare...
2 August 2019
“Strategic mindset of negociations with enforcement authorities” – Radio program France Culture “Matières à penser”, 1 August 2019
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses the underlying strategic mindset of negociations with enforcement authorities with Antoine Garapon, Secrétaire Général Institut des...
17 June 2019
Future of the legal profession and role of bars – Stéphane de Navacelle interview. Mutations,...
Stéphane de Navacelle, Ordre des avocats de Paris Bar Council Member, interviewed by Pascal Dibamou, journalist at Mutations daily and...
10 January 2019
Revue Internationale de la Compliance et de l’éthique des Affaires – The Petrobras case, a...
Stéphane de Navacelle et Julie Zorrilla authors of “The Petrobras case, a new example of cooperation between authorities” published in...
8 January 2019
Décideurs – A French practice of the criminal law of the business to the test...
Stéphane de Navacelle et Julie Zorrilla authors of “A French practice of white-collar crime to the test of globalization” published...
26 December 2018
IBA – The first step towards implementing DPAs in France
Stéphane de Navacelle author of “The first step towards implementing DPAs in France” published by IBA’s Business Crime Committee....
27 November 2018
INSEAD Healthcare Compliance Implementation Leadership Programme 2018
Stéphane de Navacelle invited by Craig Smith to discuss investigations’ best practices with participants to the Healthcare Compliance Implementation Leadership...
24 October 2018
IBA – The controversial use of glass-enclosed docks in the French courts
Stéphane de Navacelle, Julie Zorrilla and Sarah Reilly authors of “The controversial use of glass-enclosed docks in the French courts”...
11 October 2018
IBA – Agence Française Anti-corruption: a new French agency to fight corruption
Stéphane de Navacelle, Julie Zorrilla and Sarah Reilly authors of “Agence Française Anti-corruption: a new French agency to fight corruption”...
2 October 2018
First CJIP agreed to with the National Prosecutor’s Office in the field of international corruption...
Stéphane de Navacelle and Sandrine dos Santos authors of “First CJIP agreed to with the National Prosecutor’s Office in the...
11 September 2018
Anticorruption Laws and Regulations Guide – Global Law and Business
Stéphane de Navacelle, Sandrine dos Santos and Julie Zorrilla co-authors France’s Chapter of « Anticorruption Laws and Regulations Guide »...
12 June 2018
IBA – France’s increasing power over multiple jurisdiction prosecutions in corruption cases
Stéphane de Navacelle, Julie Zorrilla, Matthieu Bagard and Assumpta Nziyumvira co-author article on « France’s increasing power over multiple jurisdiction...
17 May 2018
Working towards a more flexible approach to French attorney–client confidentiality
Stéphane de Navacelle, Julie Zorrilla and Thalia Gerzso co-author article on “Working towards a more flexible approach to French attorney–client...
7 February 2018
US-France prisoner transfer framework
Stéphane de Navacelle details the legal framework surrounding prisoner transfers from the US to France in order to determine whether...
5 February 2018
France 24 – European arrest warrant application
Stéphane de Navacelle answers FRANCE 24’s Mark Owen questions on European arrest warrant application, cooperation between French and Belgium authorities...
8 June 2017
Amicus Radio – Internal investigations (in French)
Stéphane de Navacelle and Aurélien Hamelle invited by Amicus Radio to answer Antoine Garapon‘s questions on internal investigations and what...
17 March 2017
ICLG – Corporate investigations 2017
NAVACELLE law firm addresses frequent issues in corporate investigations laws and regulations in ICLG Corporate Investigations 2017.
27 February 2017
France 24 – “Do scandals matter? Fillon, Le Pen cry witch-hunt over corruption probes”
Stéphane de Navacelle invited by France 24 to participate in the debate on criminal investigations into leading candidates in the...
1 November 2016
INSEAD Healthcare Compliance Implementation Leadership Program 2016
Stéphane de Navacelle discusses investigations best practices with participants to the Healthcare Compliance Implementation Leadership Programme at INSEAD.