How to best carry out a corruption risk mapping?

Following the discovery of facts likely to qualify as corruption, a company decides to update its corruption risk mapping to ensure the non-recurrence of these acts and its compliance program effectiveness.

A company decides to update its corruption risk mapping to limit its legal risk and strengthen its compliance program.

Following an alert alleging facts likely to qualify as corruption, a company whose compliance program is being deployed decides to update its corruption risk mapping to ensure the non-recurrence of the acts and its compliance program effectiveness.

Our client's challenge

Identify, analyze, and prioritize corruption risks to better contain them.

In response to the discovery of facts likely to qualify as corruption, a company decides to update its corruption risk mapping following the Sapin 2 law and the best standards defined by soft law sources.


Corruption risk mapping is the cornerstone of a company’s anti-corruption compliance system, forming the basis for all its anti-corruption measures and procedures. This mapping requires managers and employees alike to reflect on the risks of corruption. This reflection enables identifying, assessing and, evaluating corruption risks to limit the company’s legal exposure.


The corruption risk assessment results should lead to adopting new and/or updating anti-corruption procedures and measures within the company. These procedures and measures should be consistent, effective, appropriate, and proportionate to the risks identified and the company’s specific needs.


Through this serious effort to strengthen its compliance program, the company demonstrates its ethical commitments, its integrity, and trust to its business partners.

Our way

Carrying out a customized corruption risk mapping through a detailed understanding of our clients’ business and organization.

Our method focuses on  understanding our clients’ organizations and activities to identify their specific needs and determine an approach adapted to their particularities (e.g., their sectors of activity, their geographical location, or the typology of their third parties).

On this basis, we define a precise ad hoc methodology that complies with the requirements of the Sapin 2 law and the best standards defined by soft law sources, such as the French Anti-corruption Agency Guidelines.

Through our expertise in ethics and compliance  and anti-bribery and corruption compliance, we analyze the existing anti-corruption measures and procedures within our clients’ companies and ensure that their corruption risk mapping is coherent and logically linked to the rest of their anti-corruption systems.

To enable our clients to take ownership of the exercise and reproduce it if necessary, we involve them in implementing and completing each steps of the risk mapping, such as identifying corruption risks and existing anti-corruption measures or developing and monitoring remediation action plans.

In addition, through our experience over the years, we have developed privileged relationships with forensic and foreign compliance firms, with whom we work jointly when necessary.

Our experience, organization, and work ethics thus ensure that our clients obtain a customized corruption risk mapping that enables them to improve the management of their corruption risks and therefore protect them from the commission of acts of corruption as well as the reputational, legal, human, economic and financial consequences that may result from them.

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