Nicolas Maia
Nicolas Maia
Phone / +33 1 48 78 76 78
Languages / French, Portuguese, English, Spanish

Latest news and insights

from Nicolas Maia

16 April 2024
The AFA’s new practical guide to corporate sponsorship operations
On 26 March 2024, the French Anti-Corruption Agency (“AFA”) published its new practical guide to securing patronage and sponsorship operations.
14 July 2023
PNF updates its guidelines for judicial public interest agreements
In January 2023, the National Financial Prosecutor published its new guidelines on judicial public interest agreements, which are intended to...
14 July 2023
The French Supreme Court confirms in its decision “La Chaufferie de La Défense” that the...
In a decision dated 9 November 2022, the criminal chamber of the French Supreme Court confirmed its case law on...
15 March 2023
US FinCEN issues new rule on beneficial ownership reporting under the Corporate Transparency Act
As of January 1, 2024, companies operating in the United States will be required to report information about their beneficial...
AFA and PNF Practical Guide on the internal anti-corruption investigation
14 July 2022
AFA and PNF Practical Guide on the internal anti-corruption investigation
The internal investigation, as a modulator in the detection of corruption or influence peddling, represents a fundamental tool for the...
The Autorité de la concurrence publishes an update of its framework document on competition compliance programs
14 July 2022
The Autorité de la concurrence publishes an update of its framework document on competition compliance...
The Autorité de la concurrence published his new framework document for the implementation of competition compliance programs. This communication reminds...
Framework document of 11 October 2021 on competition compliance programmes
14 March 2022
The French Competition Authority : new draft guide on compliance programs
On 11 October 2021, almost ten years after its first publication [1], the French Competition Authority has published, for consultation,...
Impacts of the attorney-client privilege reform on white-collar practice (1)
21 January 2022
Impacts of the attorney-client privilege reform on white-collar practice
On 22 December 2021, Law n° 2021-1729 for confidence in the judicial institution was enacted. Following the initiative of the...
AFA's anti-corruption guide for small and medium-sized companies
30 December 2021
AFA’s anti-corruption guide for small and medium-sized companies
On 16th of December 2021, AFA has published the final version of its guide on anti-corruption measures for small and...
28 December 2021
OECD Convention on Combating Bribery in France Phase 4
On 9 December 2021, the OECD adopted its Phase 4 report on France’s implementation of the Convention and the 2009...
Illegal banking solicitation and laundering of aggravated tax fraud new step in the UBS file
15 December 2021
Illegal banking solicitation and laundering of aggravated tax fraud: new step in the UBS file
The long-awaited judgment in the UBS case was delivered by the Paris Court of Appeal. The historic penalty of €...
CJIP concluded between JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association and the Financial Public Prosecutor
1 December 2021
CJIP concluded between JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association and the Financial Public Prosecutor
A new example of the use of negotiated justice in criminal tax law in France. On 26 August 2021, a fourth...
17 November 2021
Ericsson’s violation of the terms of its Deferred Prosecution Agreement concluded with the Department of...
On 22 October 2021, Ericsson indicated that it received correspondence from the US Department of Justice (DoJ) accusing the group,...
U.S. announces tougher approach of the Department of Justice in the fight against economic crime
4 November 2021
U.S. announces tougher approach of the Department of Justice in the fight against economic crime...
Navacelle team highlights the review of the U.S. Department of Justice's (“DoJ”) policies in the fight against economic crime.