11 February 2020
La Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires. Association France Amériques conference. February 3 2020 (in French)
About the conference “Negotiated justice”, French law under American influence?. France-Amériques Association, Paris. February 3 2020. « Stéphane de Navacelle, a lawyer in Paris, also disavows the concept of “economic war” and favors talking about competition through law. He raises the question of the role of lawyers in CJIP, and stresses that in that respect, the quarrel between the old and the modern is still very much alive at the bar. “The old stigmatize the “lawyers-traitors” who investigate their clients and transfer the findings to the prosecutors”, he observes. He considers these procedures to now be French and that they should not be looked at as “Montesquieu’s Persian letters”»