Interpol Procedure

Interpol proceedings enable the issue of worldwide notices, which can lead to arrests. It is therefore essential to be able to defend one’s rights when involved, whether as a state authority or as an individual.

Interpol is an intergovernmental organization (including 196 member countries) promoting international police cooperation. It supports member countries in their international investigations, particularly in the areas of terrorism, cybercrime, organized crime, financial crime and corruption but does not replace national authorities. Thus, Interpol does not have the authority to search, arrest, detain and extradite an individual, which remains the prerogative of member countries.

Notices, and to a lesser extent, diffusions, are one of the Interpol's primary tools for carrying out its mission. Notices are published by the Interpol General Secretariat at the request of a member country. There are eight types of notices, the vast majority of which are confidential, including the red notice issued by a member country, the issuing State, to localize an individual in the context of a prosecution, often with a view to arrest and extradite. Diffusions, which are less formal, are issued directly by member countries. They are global alerts or requests for information that are communicated to all member countries.

As they can seriously affect individual freedoms, professional activities and the reputation of the individuals concerned, the litigation surrounding red notices (request for information, correction, and deletion to the Commission for the Control of Interpol's Files) is high stakes. It therefore requires an excellent knowledge of the rules applicable to notices and Interpol procedures.

Your challenges

Preserve the interests and fundamental rights of individuals and national authorities concerned by an Interpol procedure, mainly the emission of a red notice.

Understanding the issues and consequences of an Interpol red notice

Due to the complexity and swiftness of the procedure, individuals need to understand the legal issues of an Interpol notice, especially in view of the important consequences for the personal freedom (extradition request, international arrest warrant, valid request for provisional arrest) and reputation (publicity of the implementation of measures to restrict freedom) of the person concerned.

Anticipating the risks of an Interpol red notice

As most red notices are confidential, it is important to be able to make a request for information to the Commission for the Control of Interpol's Files (CCF) at the very first suspicion of being the target of a red notice, to take the necessary measures as fast as possible: requests for the notice to be deleted, challenges to the basis on which the notice was issued, restrictions and precautions when travelling, etc.

Fight against the misuse of Interpol red notices

Despite being regulated by Interpol's internal rules (Interpol's Constitution and the Rules on the Processing of Data), red notices could be the object of abusive procedures or the instrumentalization of justice (facts of a political, military, religious or racial nature; violation of fundamental rights; failure to protect personal data; political pressure). Consequently, it is necessary to be able to submit a request for correction or deletion of information or of red notices to the Commission for the Control of Interpol's Files (CCF) to preserve one's rights.

Implementation of an appropriate communication and strategy for Interpol proceedings

Interpol proceedings and disputes are specific, complex, with an international dimension and involve various authorities. Therefore, they require appropriate communication and an effective strategy, particularly in order to manage the individual freedom, traffic and reputational risks that may arise.

Our way

Ensure that the interests and fundamental rights of individuals and national authorities affected by an Interpol procedure, including the emission of a red notice, are respected.

An extensive knowledge of international criminal law and Interpol proceedings

Navacelle has been involved for several years in cases with a transnational dimension in international criminal law and has already assisted several clients in Interpol proceedings.

A potential intervention before the emission of a red notice

When our clients have information that they are going to be subject to a red notice, we can intervene at an early stage to convince Interpol not to issue the notice.

Expertise in proceedings before the Commission for the Control of Files (CCF)

In the case of doubts or indications that an Interpol red notice has been issued, we can submit a request for information to the Commission for the Control of Files (CCF). We also assist our clients in the correction and deletion procedures of an Interpol notice and provide legal and strategic advice to guarantee the respect of their fundamental rights including the protection of their personal data.

Supporting the state authorities in conjunction with Interpol

We also provide legal and strategic advice to state authorities in connection with the contestation of Interpol notices by wanted persons.

A network of qualified partners in international criminal law

We have experienced and trusted partners internationally. If necessary, we can work with a local law firm to obtain the relevant information from the local authorities.

A focus on safeguarding our clients’ reputation

A red notice can damage the reputation of both the targeted individual and the requesting State. We protect the reputation of our clients, for example by accompanying their request for deletion to KYC screening providers such as World-Check.

Accolades Navacelle
Stéphane de Navacelle once again in 2024 picked in
Compliance & Investigations
Sources say: "Stéphane de Navacelle's biggest strength is his ability to handle the technical legal aspects of corporate criminal investigations in France"
NAVACELLE recognized once again in 2024 in
Sources say: “A strong team which is able to deal with complex white-collar matters including those with a cross-border element.
The firm is very adaptable to changing circumstances and able to respond quickly to increases in workload requirements.
A very good sense of the overall strategy in any case.”
Navacelle once again identified in 2024
as one of the world's top 100 firms for
Julie Zorrilla recognized in 2023
as Global Leader in
NAVACELLE recognized once again in 2024 in
Litigation & Arbitration
“ Excellent ”
NAVACELLE recognized once again in 2024
identifed as one of the Tier 1 law firm in
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Women in Investigations 2021 as
Stéphane de Navacelle recognized in 2023
as National Leader in

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